July 4th, 2002, 10:18 PM by Goddess


I am trying like hell to remove the post below, and everytime I click “edit,” a pron website keeps showing in the lower half of my page. It’s weird as all hell. I was trying to post some cool links, with my limited knowledge of HTML, so naturally they didn’t appear. Humph.

Had a nice Fourth of July with 420 Boy and his beloved. Didn’t see any fireworks live and in person, but that’s okay with me … I’m not into traffic and crowds right now, so a nice quiet evening at home with them, watching the fireworks in New York (of all places, when I live down the street from D.C. … lol) was A-OK with me. Luckily, there were no instances of terroristic activities, which was great yet expected. My theory was that if there were going to be another attack on America, it would happen today, as we are all smug and happy that they didn’t “get” us yesterday. The next attack (and unfortunately, I believe there will be at least one more) will occur just like 9/11 did, which was just a random Tuesday with no special significance before the attacks happened. I think 9/11 will go down in history as a national holiday as big as July 4; I expect no less than fireworks and parades and other patriotic events on the upcoming 9/11. Hell, I’ll bet we DO declare it a national holiday and give the American workforce a day off … after all, everyone who died that day was either working or died working to save those in the buildings in question … and I don’t think the American public would object to a national holiday based on that alone!

Mom said two planes were grounded in Pgh yesterday … something about bombs. It never hit the news down here, but there was a fatal shooting at LAX that was terroristic in nature. I’ll have to read the New York Times and get the story … I was falling asleep when the news report flashed on the screen.

Feeling drained right now, not like I did a whole lot of anything today. I’ve just been thinking way too much, and it’s killing me. Gotta let the little things go … can’t keep festering over the various details (the minutiae, as HRP always says).

I’ve gotten lost about four times since I arrived here to stay. The good thing is, the puzzle pieces are falling into place, and thanks to 420 Boy, any street where I get lost, I have either been on it or near it, so things look familiar, or I know in which direction to drive where I will find some familiar landmark, so that I can get back on track. It’s kind of interesting, seeing my city from outside the safety of my new bedroom. Now if only I could find some hot young thing to bring BACK to the bedroom, I’d be fine!!!

July 4th, 2002, 1:55 PM by Goddess


Reality has smacked me in the head with a two-by-four. Here I am. There I was. I don’t know … I’m just feeling rather bitchy today. I don’t feel like being nice at all right now. I find myself looking for the Apple + Undo function, like maybe I could reverse things … not that the reverse would be better, but I’m just kinda over the everything-new thing right now.

July 2nd, 2002, 8:14 PM by Goddess

Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Just read Charolette’s post about the State of the Union at Two Strikes. My god. Paying benefits based on salary? One wonders if HRP will decide that her janitor/husband should be the one having the family’s insurance coverage taken out of his meager paycheck instead of her inflated one. Poor F/OM has to take the second hardest hit in the agency … there they go again, screwing over the good people. Another reason I am thankful to have left, although I presently have NO coverage because I haven’t yet met with HR at CT to even obtain coverage. Hope I don’t get into any car accidents!!!

Went grocery shopping today after work; although the store is maybe a mile away from the workplace, I still got lost on the way back. Had some melted ice cream in the trunk, so I had to scarf up the melted portions so they wouldn’t spill all over our clean freezer. LOL. Yeah, like I ever need an excuse to wolf down some ice cream! Ha! But I am pleased to report that I cut off two people, like a good little Virginia driver should! 😉

Not much else is news. Haven’t heard from DC Boy, which troubles me. I figure, when I can’t stand the guy, I can’t get rid of him, but when I actually WANT one to call, he doesn’t. This sucks!!! I did email on Sunday; maybe I’ll give a friendly little call tomorrow, for giggles … IF I am in the mood!

CD rack is still standing. Woo hoo!

Work was okay; spent two whole hours working yesterday, before a field trip to IKEA (LOVE my new silver mesh hamper!), and had my first full day at the office today. The pace is way different than Two Strikes — everyone’s so laid-back, so NOT in a rush. My god. At Two Strikes, you tended to feel guilty for not accomplishing 65 things before the end of the day, and the day there did NOT end before 5 p.m., if you were one of the star performers, which I was. I see a very leisurely future at CT, which is fine, because that will give me time to pick up some freelance work so that I can actually afford my expensive little life.

The hot gossip at work is that someone sent a six-page email to 420 Boy’s boss, demanding that someone be fired because she’s a twit. LOL … good luck! Don’t you people know that it’s nearly impossible to fire someone? The woman in question was downright pleasant to me today, but I hear it’s a facade. One nice thing about today, though, was that when 420 Boy was introducing me to the crew, everyone said what a good guy he is. That was nice for him to hear. 🙂

Gonna stop blogging so I can chat with Charolette and get the gossip on the State of the Union address.


July 1st, 2002, 1:18 PM by Goddess

Well, this is just strange. It’s almost 2:15 p.m. and I still haven’t started working yet. Perhaps HRP’s ironic statement that I’d better show up for work wasn’t so ludicrous after all. 😉 Thanks for the email, Charolette!!!

Waiting for a call from 420 Boy to get my act together and go look at the finished magazine before it goes to press. And then … a trip to IKEA!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Paid some bills online today. Ouchie. So sad to see what little money I have, go swirling down the cyber toilet. I avoided Duquesne Light and AT&T Broadband because I know they will be sending me some final totals in the coming weeks (so I can discard the three-month pileup of each account for now. Yay!). Still have to pay student loans and car payment, though, but lord only knows where I will cough up that much money at this given time. Need to start that prostitution ring soon, so I can have an extra stream of income. … 😉 Call me Heidi Fleiss!!!

Somewhat emotional today. Saw some old pix, and remembered some good times with Janna and Kristin others from my early years.

Too tired to breathe right now. And I just smoked my last cigarette, and although 7-11 is literally across the street from me, I have no desire to go out into the 95-degree heat just for that. Oh well … guess I’ll just hafta breathe CLEAN air for a change! 😉