Ewwww! Boys Have Cooties!
August 28th, 2002, 7:40 PM by GoddessThe war between the sexes continues to wage on. Find living proof in this excerpt from an IM convo I had with my past. *Note, IM handles modified to protect the guilty. 🙂
Cav: boys are stupid
C74: and icky
Cav: they have cooties
C74: and they burp a lot
C74: Still, you cant stay away…like me with women…
C74: They’re mean
C74: cold hearted
Cav: it’s addicting, ain’t it?
C74: soul sucking
C74: self centered
C74: and I cant get enough
C74: lol
Cav: boys can be shallow, have short attention spans and no concept of how to use a telephone
C74: girls can not identify what the truth is and how to tell it
Cav: boys never stick around long enough to rebuke whatever stories girls tell
C74: Guys need to wander, women don’t get that
Cav: women wander for awhile and finally get tired of running after nothing
C74: Whats your definition of nothing???lol
Cav: ah, there’s so much nothing out there, it would take all day to describe it. lol. Since the convent is out of the question, it might be time to start chasing girls … maybe they’ll let me catch them!
C74: girls are trouble too….just have carefree casual no name sex, like me….lol.
C74: I would try men, but I dont really want to have to resort.
Cav: yeah, that’s slumming. lol