If I were a sex toy. … (a plastic one, natch!)

November 24th, 2002, 9:42 PM by Goddess
vibrating tongue

You Are A Vibrating Tongue!

Turn this on

And let it give you a lick

It will get you off quicker

Than any dick

What Sex Toy Are *You*?

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Onward ‘Ho

November 24th, 2002, 5:53 PM by Goddess

First of all, let us join in wishing Samantha Jones (my beloved car) a Happy 10,000th!!! (mile, that is!)

Samantha and I spent the past six hours cruising around the metro D.C. area. We even ended up in Maryland for a bit, before idling around Old Town and Potomac Yards. We went to some scenic overlooks and to the marina and all kinds of other neat places. ‘Twas a day that I just couldn’t be in the house — the sun was shining and the air was crisp but just warm enough for me to run around in a T-Shirt and jeans.

It all started with desperately wanting a greasy breakfast from Mickey D’s, and well, after some time in the park, eating my sandwich and drinking coffee and chatting on the phone with Mom, I headed down the highway and, well, never looked back. ‘Twas heavenly … I took the new Matchbox Twenty and Tori Amos CDs, and I was quite pleased to take the George Washington Memorial Parkway as far out as it goes (from Old Town to the Beltway), with the sunroof open and the stereo blasting. Damn. All days should feel like today.

I hopped out of the car a few times; once in particular that I will mention happened to be at an overlook where I could see white sails, trees with sparse yet vibrant leaves, the blue-green-brown waters of the Potomac River and cirrus clouds overhead. Aaaah. I almost cried … I have never been happier since I moved here, than when I was standing on that rock, drinking in the scenery and taking note of the Washington Monument in the far-off horizon like a compass needle.

I get my perspective on the world when I am absorbed in gorgeous scenery — I’ve always been a daydreamer, always had my head in the clouds. That, coupled with growing up in mountainous Western Pennsylvania, has always given me an appreciation of being surrounded by water, foliage, cityscapes and a nearness to the skies and the stars. I guess, for the first time, I felt truly at home down here. Life isn’t perfect or even anywhere close, but the pleasure really does lie in the small things. It may not be the life I wanted, but I am trying to enjoy it and make it into a life that I will have been satisfied to have lived. And today, I took a mental photograph of that utopia. It was sort of sad that I didn’t have anyone with whom to share this perfect day, but once I finally drag my mom down here, I will show it to her — she will love it just as much as I did, I am certain.

Maybe I WILL live here for the rest of my life. I got that feeling today, that I am in the right place. I think that’s the reason why I will remember this day, more than anything else. It’s so rare to experience such peace, such certainty. Perhaps that is the destiny I seek, to feel that way all the time. While it’s wonderful to be happy, sometimes, it’s OK to be happy enough.