Finally, the truth

December 6th, 2002, 4:00 PM by Goddess

I haven’t read Dawn Olsen’s Blog in awhile, but I’m so glad I stopped by today. You MUST read this classic job interview.

We decided today that our OWN H.R. person sports the physique of Frosty the Snowman. Only there ain’t enough snow in Antarctica to properly construct her mountainous, wrinkly bosom. 🙂

That’s my name, don’t wear it out. …

December 6th, 2002, 12:02 PM by Goddess

Mom made this for my front door at my old apartment. She’s so damn artsy, she did the whole thing with posterboard and a pair of scissors. (Garfield is my FAVORITE!) I don’t have him anymore — my weird next-door neighbor took him when I moved. But this brought back fun memories:

Ode to Snow

December 6th, 2002, 11:10 AM by Goddess

Virginia drivers are, by definition, maniacal, but dump half a foot of snow on the ground, and they calm the fuck down. Thank goodness.

However, I had a miserable drive to work today. I got stuck behind a caravan of scaredy-cats on Edsall Road (I’m a Pennsylvania native — I need two more feet of snow and a sheet of ice before I panic), and the right-hand lane was completely empty, so I started to speed over. But, there was some ASSHOLE who was sitting in my BLIND SPOT as my caravan traveled its whopping 15 mph, and I almost killed us both. I was furious. I stayed where I was, and he dropped back a few yards, but I just made a fast left onto Yoakum Parkway when I had the chance, and I got the hell away from that herd-o-cattle. Argh.

On the bright side, Virginia snow is so much purer and cleaner than Pittsburgh snow. It was nice to clean white snow off the car instead of gray. 🙂

In better news, Shan and I are up to something. I am not going to give any more details than that at this time, but by the end of this year, I think we will have really accomplished a major career milestone. Stay tuned, ’cause we’re going to turn the world on its ass … a little sooner than we’d believed. … 🙂

One thing I CAN say, though, is that my tree is up and decorated!!! I even have my little fiber-optic tree in my office, so I’m heading toward getting out of my grinchy mood. Photos are coming soon!

Well, I have exactly eight bucks to my name, but it’s a Bennigan’s night, I can safely say. Hopefully Renee will give us our usual deep discount, because some drinky-drinky is absolutely in order. 🙂