I *~*heart*~* ‘American Idol’

February 5th, 2003, 9:28 PM by Goddess

I was prepared to be disgusted with tonight’s results, but that Julia made it over Kimberly, I was really excited. I thought the two of them would be the finalists from tonight’s show, but when it came down to a choice between the two, I was stressing. I know, I was influenced by the catty bullshit from two episodes ago, but let’s put that aside for a minute. Do we really need another peroxide-dyed starlet? I think we need some more brunettes out there, and Julia’s look is more exotic.

Although, I had to give Kimberly a lot of credit when she came out and sang a wonderful Melissa Etheridge tune, “Come to My Window,” (which Melissa does waaay better, but of course I am biased. lol) and she brought the whole gaggle-o-contestants onto the stage. She threw herself into it and made sure everyone had a last shining moment onstage, and I really developed a soft spot for her. For the first time, I really viewed her as genuine. At any rate, I would like to see J.D. and herself picked as “wild card” contestants to return to the show later in the season.

Some coffee to go with that bitter?

February 5th, 2003, 12:07 PM by Goddess

Rejected headline: I enjoy being a girl

Am purposely wasting time this morning, as I am in no mood to do anything that remotely resembles work. Thus, I present to you two things that happened to me this morning that men just don’t have to deal with, and one just plain annoying thing that nobody should have to deal with. And no, this post doesn’t reference anything of the intra-uterine variety. 🙂

1. Must have put the emergency brake on too hard last night, as I could not release the damn thing. I’ve had this issue when someone else drives the car, or when I take it to a full-service auto wash. I was trying from my seat, the passenger side seat, and finally tried straddling the damn thing — anything to put it into the flaccid position. 🙂 Finally had to find some random stranger in my apartment complex — who was running to catch a bus — to help me. I hate being a wimp.

2. Once I was ready to drive, I put on my sunglasses, which promptly fogged up from being left in the cold car. I was facing sunlight and couldn’t see through the fog but had cars up my ass at this point, so I whipped off the glasses and drove without them till I could wipe them off. Dawn is a bad driver in general, but take away her vision and it can only get worse. Luckily, I did not hit anybody or anything, although there were some pedestrians who almost bit it today, as they trusted me to not hit their stupid asses as they jaywalked. Argh. Don’t they realize that Northern Virginia drivers — self included — don’t value their lives?

3. Put on makeup at work today — only on the wrong places of my face. Grabbed the wrong tube at the wrong time and made a big mess. I thought I’d reached for my concealer (for under the eyes), but I instead grabbed my lipstick tube (and didn’t notice that it was a different brand as well as a darker color!). So I had lipstick under my eyes for a second. Beautiful.

I could add a “boys are stupid” entry, but I won’t embarrass him for his asininity, even though he doesn’t read this page anyway. For the record, I don’t bash men in general — just the dumbass things that specific ones do. But the short version is that he was whining about being alone on a certain day, and my question to him was, well, did he ask anyone to spend the day with him. His answer? No. Well, there you have it. I told him that perhaps if he’d invited people to spend the day with him, they could have accommodated, with some advance notice. I think he’s a smart guy and fun to talk to sometimes, but it’s stuff like this that makes me want to drown him. I thought it would make him feel better if he’d send me some flowers (yes, I am still on my I-Want-Flowers-On-V-Day kick), but he didn’t get it when I intimated it. Or he just ignored me. Oh well. I can’t help the helpless. 🙂

And how is your day? 🙂

Executive Summary

February 5th, 2003, 9:33 AM by Goddess

1. Office is 600 degrees;

2. Decided not to post a rant I just completed — will quietly fester awhile longer;

3. Came in on time for once, for nothing! Big meeting going on about the merging of two departments (processing merging into membership, all of which will fall under Demure);

4. Am thinking about hiring a maid to keep up with the housework;

5. Preparing for an interview for yet another fucking obituary;

6. Still stinging over King Kumquat’s whiny bitch fit yesterday over stuff like hyphens and italics. But pleased over the fact that I told him that he didn’t see the other 30 errors just like it that I did fix;

7. Also pleased that, when he reminded me that I need to speak to division heads for all articles, I was able to point out where I did, in fact, contact them and they had nothing to contribute. That shut his trap in a hurry;

8. Had dinner with Shan last night and continued plotting the overthrow of our present lives and vocations;

9. Continually astounded by people who feel that things are your job when they have a responsibility to pitch in in a constructive way themselves;

10. Willing to accept the fact that the assholes for whom I work are content having me as a peon yet doing all the work. I really believe they will find some reason to not promote me. I have never seen a sneakier set of managers in my life — they can try to justify putting sugar in your gas tank, and think they have made a perfectly reasonable argument; and

11. Annoyed with everyone and everything in general today. Today is not a good day to aggravate me. Trust me.

Oooh, the meeting just broke up. Someone just slammed her office door rather loudly. This is going to involve a lot of physical moving of offices as well as removing the call center cubicles from my area. Yay! But they are either going to put in one desk in that area or build two offices. We’re not sure yet. I don’t care — anything is better than the bitch who hollers at everyone who calls!


12. Raises (or lack thereof) — merit raises of 2.5 percent will go into effect after our annual reviews in June. Shan was taken aback at the low rate, but as I’ve worked in non-profit forever, that’s unfortunately pretty standard. But still, who wants to work hard for that? Besides, it kills me that 2.5 percent for the town crier is $2,500 and for me it’s under a grand. And I work 75 times harder than she ever will. Pffffftttt.