A summary of my Valentine’s Day …

February 15th, 2003, 2:36 PM by Goddess

1. Bounty of gifts, voicemails and valentines from my mom and grandfather.

2. Bounty of “awwww, how sweet!”s from both Shan and me when reading someone’s website entry about me.

2. I was the talk of the office with …

The card reads “From a Friend” …

Yellow roses tipped with red/fuschia in my office …

And they looked great in Kumquat’s office, too …

The card is clear enough to see — this one was on my car …

Thanks to the smokers from finance who saw it before I did!

I got a call to run downstairs to look at my car. They didn’t tell me it was a good surprise!

3. An online greeting from my Intrigued Reader …

Virtual Rose

4. Celebration with Shan over the fact that we BOTH received pretty flowers!

The card was the sweetest sentiment of love ever written,

but I am not at liberty to share it here. 😉 But see the flowers:

5. Lovely “dinner and ‘Daredevil'” night out with a special new friend. One wouldn’t have guessed that it was our first in-person meeting. Ladies, chivalry is not dead, that’s all I’ve got to say.

6. Wonderful follow-up note this morning from the chivalrous one, including a special website link.

‘Twas the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had!


February 15th, 2003, 11:07 AM by Goddess

This would be just my luck. The poor gal kissed her boyfriend, who had just eaten shellfish. The wtwist? She’s allergic to fish, and she went into shock and ended up in the E.R.

It reminded me of one of my favorite stories to tell. I worked for a hot sauce store a few years back, and this lovely older couple had told me about going out for a lovely hot-and-spicy dinner with their son and his fiancee. Well, the younger couple, after eating hot foods, went home and had oral sex, only what they didn’t know is that the oils from the peppers stay in your mouth for quite a few hours, and well … let’s just say that neither one of them could sit down for a day or so. Tee hee. I loved telling other customers about that — no oral sex after you eat peppers! Talk about havin’ a lil fire in your crotch. 🙂