Holy ‘Idol’ tryouts, Batman!

February 19th, 2003, 10:45 PM by Goddess

Who else was amused when Ryan Seacrest’s mic went out three times during tonight’s live telecast? Trust me, kids, we weren’t exactly missing witty and intelligent commentary when he was muted. Ah, if only all episodes silenced him. …

I find it funny that this idiot is hosting ‘American Idol,’ when he doesn’t have a single ounce of talent himself. It’s a wonder Simon doesn’t put his foot up Ryan’s ass and boot him into the Pacific Ocean.

What’s up with tonight’s winners? Granted, I voted for Vanessa twice, but “Herk-a-Leez” guy? Puh-LEEZE!!! He sang the same song like four times — of course he’s getting better at it. Hell, he nailed it last night. But can he sing anything different? And can he say something intelligent, instead of that stupid faggy “Herk-a-Leez! Herk-a-Leez!” with that queeny fake clapping that he does? Fucker looks like a deranged Jack-in-the-Box.


February 19th, 2003, 10:18 PM by Goddess

My ex (from this time last year) forwarded an e-mail to me from his new girlfriend. LOL. I had to die laughing, of course, over the e-mail itself, but he wanted me to see the photos she had attached. She had this online slideshow of him shoveling her porch, riding a snowblower on her property, etc. I refrained from saying I’d only seen him work that hard to get laid, and that was it. So I looked at the photos. He and the girlfriend look perfect for each other. That’s about all I can say.

But what absolutely amused me was looking at his Yahoo! profile and comparing it to hers (her Yahoo! e-mail addy was visible on the e-mail, so you just know I went there before I even checked out the slideshow!). His hasn’t been changed since god was a little boy, and as usual, his marital status said, “Single and Looking.” Pffft. Yeah, right! His said that when I met him in 2001, too. It should’ve been “single and looking for anonymous sex,” but I digress. (I’m the pot calling the kettle black, and I know it. I wanted a relationship, too — just not with him.)

At any rate, her profile says she’s “in a committed relationship” (don’t be so sure, honey) and under Latest News: “FINALLY, I FOUND WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!”

I hope it was a fiver tucked between the cushions of her Ford truck. Of course, it is entirely possible that, as he approaches 33 years of age, he’s ready to settle down, but I doubt it. Maybe, if she wanted a man with a decent talent for eating pussy, well, by George I think she’s got it!

*end bitter reminiscing and ranting*

Havin’ a day

February 19th, 2003, 1:06 PM by Goddess

I’m having neither a bad nor a wonderful day — just havin’ a day in general.

Dressed in a floor-length suit today. Fell on my ass once and slid a bunch more times near my car. Ended up ripping my dress on my car door (damn it!) in the tumble. Demure called to inquire about rescheduling my job interview, and I gladly accepted. I changed into a sweater in jeans the second I hung up the phone.

Work is chaotic — we are SO behind! I’m only sneaking this five-minute blog break before I go nuts again.

All I have to say is that my parking spot had BETTER be open when I get home — it took three hours-plus to dig it out, and I don’t want some dumbass who didn’t work as hard as I did to get my clean spot. I will be FURIOUS! I see why people put ladders and chairs in their spots — after you nearly give yourself a heart attack out there, that spot is yours. Period. And if someone IS in my spot, I am going door-to-door, hunting their asses down so I can throttle them.

I ran into Chuck today, my buddy in the complex who moved there from Pittsburgh two weeks after I did. He looked at me and said, “In Pittsburgh, they would’ve known what to do with this shit.” He’s so right — 16.7 inches of snow would have been a challenge, but not a huge one, for PennDOT. We wouldn’t have had such a mess to clean up, and frankly, our apartment complex could/should have done more to make the lot safer for us. And the drive to work was thankfully short but albeit unsafe. I sideswiped two snowdrifts in an effort to avoid pedestrians who had to walk in the roads due to lack of sidewalks being cleared. Painful. I dread seeing what I did to Samantha’s paint job during the last two days. But as long as I have my parking spot tonight, I won’t be TOO upset.


February 19th, 2003, 1:10 AM by Goddess

Worried about work. Meant to work on my stories during this long and luxurious weekend, but I didn’t bother — one is a touchy-feely piece, and the other is an obituary — they now instruct me to write one obituary per issue, as if I give a shit about the dear departed person — why don’t we let sleeping dogs lie and instead write more about the living legends? Bleah.

Another small stressor is the fact that my interview for my job is tomorrow. I’m not worried about it, by any means, but I am annoyed at the prospect of it being a big fat waste of time. Demure drags things on forever — I hope she either reschedules or is speedy about it so that I can move on to other things (like, oh, I don’t know, DOING the job I’m interviewing for!).

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my finances. I decided that if I can just earn an extra $1,500 per month, I will survive well. I don’t need to be filthy rich — I just need to be able to afford my current expenses and budget for emergencies. That’s an extra $50 per day … how hard can it be to figure out how to make that? (P.S. Giving BJs to strangers does not factor into my mind as a plausible way to earn this extra income, BTW, so don’t suggest it! lol)

If I indeed got the holy grail of a promotion at work, then I’d only need to make maybe an extra $20 or $25 per day. This is even more easily achievable than the previous scenario.

I despise being awake because of worries over work and money. Well, that, and my lower back hurts from my snow-shoveling-with-a-flowerpot, so I’m just a mess in general. 😉

I awoke super-early Tuesday morning, too, so you’d think I’d be tired. I was having a horrible dream about being pregnant (and wondering about this immaculate conception) and being in a bar with the Beltway Bloggers. I was pissed because I couldn’t drink (and, I was probably upset with the politics, too, as a liberal lost among libertarians. heh), and the dream kept getting more intense. I awoke in a panic and remained that way for several hours.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have made myself two mocha lattes before I attempted to go to bed a few hours ago. ::sigh:: The cat’s unconscious, not fretting about a single thing — Damn it, I want to be her in my next life!