Election day

February 20th, 2003, 4:28 PM by Goddess

We just got the official results of our Veggie Patch Presidential Election (although I’ve known the outcome for hours). Even though I do not plan to be here for this person’s term of office, I am pleased that the members elected the right person. Only in our presidential elections do the good guys win, and it’s heartening to see a good person sweep the victory. As for the other two candidates, I didn’t know one of them, and the other provided the real competition — she’s this dipshit who writes columnists for the Veggie Patch Gazette. She’s okay, although I don’t know if I see her in much more of a leadership position here. Anyway, the members have spoken, and they did very well for themselves.

It’s sad — we tend to hire really good presidents (give or take), who rotate every year. But we keep the oxygen thieves on staff for 40 years at a time. ::sigh::

Demure is interviewing someone for my job at 4:30 — might be J-Ho, but who knows? Heh. And she hasn’t rescheduled my own interview yet. That’s very telling, if you ask me. I think it’s pretty fucking hysterical — while she’s interviewing for the editor job, I’m over here doing that very job.

Old-fashioned blogging

February 20th, 2003, 11:50 AM by Goddess

I’ve been blogging in notebooks lately — yes, using lined paper and blue medium-ink pens. It keeps me from saying anything overly incriminating while I’m at work (as they are screen-shoting us and possibly building cases against us), as well as keeps me from going apeshit over things better left unsaid in virtual writing — some days, it’s just better to bitch at the computer screen than to actually etch my snarkines in stone.

In a brilliant fit of non-blog writing, I just blew myself away with a description of “Where Flowers Once Grew,” about the free-spirited person I once was. ::sigh:: While it will never see the light of day, I sure hope my personal happiness eventually does.

The paper is closer to being done. I received Kumquat’s blessing to be late with it this month (ostensibly so he can build a case against me why they shouldn’t promote me). Of course, in his words, he says he’d rather it be “perfect” instead of “on time.” But is anything ever perfect enough around here? At any rate, I don’t want the paper to be too late because our deadlines are super-early next month, but as long as the publishing house is kosher with it, hey, it all pays the same! (Read: not enough.)