Weekend update

February 23rd, 2003, 6:25 PM by Goddess

Spent the whole day out yesterday — went to Starbucks for Columbian coffee and a cinnamon scone. They had neither, so I ended up with a venti Sumatra and an iced pumpkin scone. Mmm … yummy!

I was up and out really early — it was just one of those days in which I felt like being alone but amongst people (look, in my mind, this makes sense. lol). I was surprised to actually get a table at Starbucks — I’d left my notebook in my car, because the damn place only seats 10, and I’m never one of the lucky ones. But even without my trusty pen-and-paper, I sat and ate my fresh little scone and enjoyed my piping-hot coffee. And I people-watched — the world’s cheapest and most productive hobby.

There were these two people, whom I thought were together, who obviously wanted a table so badly they could taste it. The man looked slightly confused and the woman appeared slightly deranged. They stood in place, looking imploringly into all of our faces, for at least 10 minutes. I wasn’t in a huge hurry — I only planned to stay long enough to finish my scone, and I wasn’t choking it down for them. Usually, I scarf down my scone in my car, but as there were torrential downpours and fog-o-plenty, I relished the chance to be inside a warm coffeehouse.

A consummate problem-solver, I started sending them vibes to maybe take the extra chairs from some of our tables and set them up in an unoccupied corner. Simple, right? Almost all of us with tables were alone. As if the guy could read my mind, he asked a woman if she were using the other chair, which she wasn’t. But what did he do? Threw his stuff down on the tiny table, grabbed a huge hulking handful of the WaPo, grabbed another chair from a nearby table, and put the paper on the chair. The woman orginally at the table looked horrified, and I saw her hurry to finish her pastry. I left when she did, and I saw the slightly deranged woman scurry over to my table to occupy it immediately. How weird.

All of the Starbucks that I’ve visited in this area look like they were furnished by IKEA, and they’re all so tiny. I miss the sprawling Starbucks stores in Pittsburgh that I used to haunt — they were overflowing with cafe tables and armchairs and couches. Granted, it was always difficult to get a table in those, but oftentimes you could get the little tables by the windows, so you could watch the pedestrians and traffic pass by. I loved it. Most people never really even looked in the windows — they were so consumed with themselves. Those are the people I love to watch most — those who aren’t acting like there is a TV crew following them. So many people walk by and peer in everyone’s faces, making certain that everyone sees them. Sometimes I can be like that — when I’m feeling good, I want people to notice me — it’s validating. And when I’m not feeling so great, I can either fade into the background or at least hope someone throws me an appreciative or at least a curious glance. 🙂

Oh, at any rate, I went shopping amongst the illiterate at the Kingstowne Wal-Mart, found some cute cheap shirts at Ross, got my nails done with Shan, and went to the dollar store to whore around. I also went to another Ross store, the one next to the dollar store at Landmark Center, and found the sweater I am now wearing. I went back to the dollar store today — they had some cute hair accesories, and I’d only bought one yesterday (before I ran out of money) and loved it so much that I wanted the other dozen that looked similiar to it. So I bought eight more. 🙂 And a whole bunch of other shit that I can’t wait to tear into — all kinds of neat household gadgets and products. (I *~*heart*~* the dollar store!!!)

Stopped to meet Shan for dinner at Landmark Mall tonight, but she wasn’t feeling well and we never did end up eating. On a pleasant note, we ran into Dave and the three of us hung out and chatted till the mall closed. Shan and I have this running joke that we ALWAYS run into someone we know at the Food Court, and on those days, we’re never dressed up or wearing makeup (read: we look like drowned rats when we see people we know). Heh.

We all parted ways as the lights started blinking (like the mall was a bar during last call or something), so here I am at home, finally, scarfing down Ben & Jerry’s and smoking a cigarette (I’d gone a week without any smokes, but I really was craving one today). I’m also dealing with my consummate “back-to-school” feeling — that gut rumbling that always accompanies Sunday evenings, as I dread returning to the workplace again. Joy and rapture. I’d planned to go into work tonight, but as I drove past it, I decided that I can only withstand so much agony and torture in a given week. My theory about having to work during a weekend is simple: most people choose Saturdays on which to work, so that they can get it out of the way and then enjoy the remainder of their weekends. Not me. Saturdays are my days — it’s the one day of the week when I get up early and run my personal errands and bum around the malls, as stores are open late. Sundays used to always be for hangovers, but now, they are for doing work (when/if the inspiration strikes). The way I figure it, Sundays suck by default, because that’s when the dread starts to set in because you know that you’ve got a full week of work-related bullshit ahead of you. When you work on a Sunday, it becomes your Monday, so at least you’ve gotten the poison out of your system before you’ve had to lay eyes upon all the sad sacks in the office when their workweek begins.

I had to go into work yesterday to let Mac Guy into the building. That was enough pain for the weekend for me. I couldn’t wait to get out of there — Shan says we should just have bars on the windows, because that place truly is our prison. I can’t tell you how much time I spend staring out my windows, wishing I could be out frolicking among the land of the living.

In “Making a Living Without a Job,” Barbara J. Winter says that whatever you do as your hobby, you should be doing full time for profit. My hobby is writing — I write anything. I write what I see when I people-watch. I write when I think about things that please or bother me. I write notes for the book series I began planning when I was 14. I write little inspirational messages to myself and leave them around my office or around my home computer to keep me motivated (such as: Envision your successes and they will happen!). At work, yes, I’m a writer, but I write about subjects and people that don’t interest me. And I write for people who kill me, again and again. That ship was sinking before I stepped onto it, and the only thing those morons inspire me to do is to make the most of a bad situation before it gets worse, as it inevitably will.

Demure indicated to me that she has a few more interviews coming up. We’ve still never rescheduled mine. So far, she’s interviewed J-Ho, the Oily Bo Hunk (remember “Sixteen Candles,” anyone?) and a twig-like perky blonde bimbette — and Demure had the audacity to come into my office when she was done with Bimbette to ask me how the paper was going and to meet with me about miscellaneous shit. I was incensed.

I had to re-do the budget for my department for the remainder of the fiscal year. I budgeted for Mac Guy and our freelance writer to be there with me till July. I think it was unfair of her to make me do this budget when I don’t know what they’re doing about the hiring situation. And if they hire J-Ho, well, she and I have matching skill sets (albeit, I assume mine are waaayy better, and my resume is much more impressive). That means we’d still have to pay Mac Guy, which defeats the whole purpose of the hiring process, if you ask me. If those fuckers had any brains at all, we would have done a Skills Inventory with me and found someone to complement me, instead of match me. But those fuckwads couldn’t manage their ways out of a paper bag, so it makes perfect sense for them to have two writers with no desktop publishing expertise. They beg us to cut corners and save money, yet when one of us has an idea that would save the agency fifty grand a year, they plug their ears and whistle “Dixie.”

On that note, I’m getting away from the computer and beginning the beauty rest process. I look just as bedraggled as I feel!

Friday Five

February 21st, 2003, 3:11 PM by Goddess

1. What is your most prized material possession?

Hands, down, that would be Samantha Jones, my dear little car.

Tying for second would be my gaggle of collections: CD collection, Garfield collection and my cobalt glass collection.

2. What item, that you currently own, have you had the longest?

My couch, I suppose. It cost too much and the story behind it is too hysterically painful to tell, but I love it so. At my old apartment, I slept on it every night. Now I use it once a month, if that.

3. Are you a packrat?

Yes. No doubt about that!

4. Do you prefer a spic-and-span clean house? Or is some clutter necessary to avoid the appearance of a museum?

As the word “prefer” is used in the question, I prefer a house with not a speck of dust, a spot of mold or a crumb of food within view of a magnifying glass. Unfortunately, it’s difficult and tiring to keep up with the apartment I have right now, so as long as the place is tidy enough, I try not to be too disgusted with its, um, lived-in quality. I try very hard to keep from going apeshit over certain stuff, but some days, it’s inevitable. I’d love a museum! I can’t wait to be able to afford to hire a maid, because it will happen someday.

I acquire lots of paperwork, as I do a lot of writing, researching, collecting of inspiring stories, etc. I love that I can keep a lot of stuff on computer, yet I unfortunately have a lot of paper records (just in case!). I hate my clutter, but it’s a necessary evil, as storage space is limited.

5. Do the rooms in your house have a theme? Or is it a mixture of knick-knacks here and there?

I spent a decade collecting black wrought-iron and black-lacquer furniture, and all of my knickknacks are cobalt blue glass, black wrought-iron and/or shiny silver. And I love silver, sparkly stars and moons. Even the shower curtain was cobalt blue with sparkly silver stars! Unfortunately, most of my pretty stuff is in boxes or otherwise hidden or neglected, so my theme has been kind of lost as of late. I guess my theme now is, sadly, clutter and crap (the crap being provided by Maddie, as she pooped in my doorway last night, not for the first time. 😉

Hoe hoe hoe

February 21st, 2003, 11:13 AM by Goddess

J-Ho has been interviewing with Demure for more than an hour. I keep hearing her brainless bottle-blonde giggle all the way down here. Yeeeaaacch.

I feel like Cinderella’s stepsister. They will hire her stupid bitchy big-boobed baby-brained ass to do the job, but I will be the one doing the job. If there is a god out there, please throw me a lifeline and get me outta here!!!

Where will I get caught having sex?

February 21st, 2003, 12:03 AM by Goddess

*~*First, I’d actually have to be having sex with a partner, right? ‘Electra’ the vibrator doesn’t count, I suppose!*~*


You’ll Get Caught Doing it On the Kitchen Table!

You’re a traditional girl with a flair for romance.

You appreciate a candlelight dinner and a good bottle of wine.

You believe love improves sex, but you’ve been known to be impulsive.

The kitchen table fits your impulsive nature perfectly…

And it’s great for not messing up the bed when you’re having an affair.

On the outside you look proper and even a bit conservative.

But on the inside, you’re hotter than your oven on “Broil”!

– Especially when you start fantasizing about your crush walking in!

Where Will You Get Caught Having Sex?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Election day

February 20th, 2003, 4:28 PM by Goddess

We just got the official results of our Veggie Patch Presidential Election (although I’ve known the outcome for hours). Even though I do not plan to be here for this person’s term of office, I am pleased that the members elected the right person. Only in our presidential elections do the good guys win, and it’s heartening to see a good person sweep the victory. As for the other two candidates, I didn’t know one of them, and the other provided the real competition — she’s this dipshit who writes columnists for the Veggie Patch Gazette. She’s okay, although I don’t know if I see her in much more of a leadership position here. Anyway, the members have spoken, and they did very well for themselves.

It’s sad — we tend to hire really good presidents (give or take), who rotate every year. But we keep the oxygen thieves on staff for 40 years at a time. ::sigh::

Demure is interviewing someone for my job at 4:30 — might be J-Ho, but who knows? Heh. And she hasn’t rescheduled my own interview yet. That’s very telling, if you ask me. I think it’s pretty fucking hysterical — while she’s interviewing for the editor job, I’m over here doing that very job.

Old-fashioned blogging

February 20th, 2003, 11:50 AM by Goddess

I’ve been blogging in notebooks lately — yes, using lined paper and blue medium-ink pens. It keeps me from saying anything overly incriminating while I’m at work (as they are screen-shoting us and possibly building cases against us), as well as keeps me from going apeshit over things better left unsaid in virtual writing — some days, it’s just better to bitch at the computer screen than to actually etch my snarkines in stone.

In a brilliant fit of non-blog writing, I just blew myself away with a description of “Where Flowers Once Grew,” about the free-spirited person I once was. ::sigh:: While it will never see the light of day, I sure hope my personal happiness eventually does.

The paper is closer to being done. I received Kumquat’s blessing to be late with it this month (ostensibly so he can build a case against me why they shouldn’t promote me). Of course, in his words, he says he’d rather it be “perfect” instead of “on time.” But is anything ever perfect enough around here? At any rate, I don’t want the paper to be too late because our deadlines are super-early next month, but as long as the publishing house is kosher with it, hey, it all pays the same! (Read: not enough.)

Holy ‘Idol’ tryouts, Batman!

February 19th, 2003, 10:45 PM by Goddess

Who else was amused when Ryan Seacrest’s mic went out three times during tonight’s live telecast? Trust me, kids, we weren’t exactly missing witty and intelligent commentary when he was muted. Ah, if only all episodes silenced him. …

I find it funny that this idiot is hosting ‘American Idol,’ when he doesn’t have a single ounce of talent himself. It’s a wonder Simon doesn’t put his foot up Ryan’s ass and boot him into the Pacific Ocean.

What’s up with tonight’s winners? Granted, I voted for Vanessa twice, but “Herk-a-Leez” guy? Puh-LEEZE!!! He sang the same song like four times — of course he’s getting better at it. Hell, he nailed it last night. But can he sing anything different? And can he say something intelligent, instead of that stupid faggy “Herk-a-Leez! Herk-a-Leez!” with that queeny fake clapping that he does? Fucker looks like a deranged Jack-in-the-Box.


February 19th, 2003, 10:18 PM by Goddess

My ex (from this time last year) forwarded an e-mail to me from his new girlfriend. LOL. I had to die laughing, of course, over the e-mail itself, but he wanted me to see the photos she had attached. She had this online slideshow of him shoveling her porch, riding a snowblower on her property, etc. I refrained from saying I’d only seen him work that hard to get laid, and that was it. So I looked at the photos. He and the girlfriend look perfect for each other. That’s about all I can say.

But what absolutely amused me was looking at his Yahoo! profile and comparing it to hers (her Yahoo! e-mail addy was visible on the e-mail, so you just know I went there before I even checked out the slideshow!). His hasn’t been changed since god was a little boy, and as usual, his marital status said, “Single and Looking.” Pffft. Yeah, right! His said that when I met him in 2001, too. It should’ve been “single and looking for anonymous sex,” but I digress. (I’m the pot calling the kettle black, and I know it. I wanted a relationship, too — just not with him.)

At any rate, her profile says she’s “in a committed relationship” (don’t be so sure, honey) and under Latest News: “FINALLY, I FOUND WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!”

I hope it was a fiver tucked between the cushions of her Ford truck. Of course, it is entirely possible that, as he approaches 33 years of age, he’s ready to settle down, but I doubt it. Maybe, if she wanted a man with a decent talent for eating pussy, well, by George I think she’s got it!

*end bitter reminiscing and ranting*

Havin’ a day

February 19th, 2003, 1:06 PM by Goddess

I’m having neither a bad nor a wonderful day — just havin’ a day in general.

Dressed in a floor-length suit today. Fell on my ass once and slid a bunch more times near my car. Ended up ripping my dress on my car door (damn it!) in the tumble. Demure called to inquire about rescheduling my job interview, and I gladly accepted. I changed into a sweater in jeans the second I hung up the phone.

Work is chaotic — we are SO behind! I’m only sneaking this five-minute blog break before I go nuts again.

All I have to say is that my parking spot had BETTER be open when I get home — it took three hours-plus to dig it out, and I don’t want some dumbass who didn’t work as hard as I did to get my clean spot. I will be FURIOUS! I see why people put ladders and chairs in their spots — after you nearly give yourself a heart attack out there, that spot is yours. Period. And if someone IS in my spot, I am going door-to-door, hunting their asses down so I can throttle them.

I ran into Chuck today, my buddy in the complex who moved there from Pittsburgh two weeks after I did. He looked at me and said, “In Pittsburgh, they would’ve known what to do with this shit.” He’s so right — 16.7 inches of snow would have been a challenge, but not a huge one, for PennDOT. We wouldn’t have had such a mess to clean up, and frankly, our apartment complex could/should have done more to make the lot safer for us. And the drive to work was thankfully short but albeit unsafe. I sideswiped two snowdrifts in an effort to avoid pedestrians who had to walk in the roads due to lack of sidewalks being cleared. Painful. I dread seeing what I did to Samantha’s paint job during the last two days. But as long as I have my parking spot tonight, I won’t be TOO upset.


February 19th, 2003, 1:10 AM by Goddess

Worried about work. Meant to work on my stories during this long and luxurious weekend, but I didn’t bother — one is a touchy-feely piece, and the other is an obituary — they now instruct me to write one obituary per issue, as if I give a shit about the dear departed person — why don’t we let sleeping dogs lie and instead write more about the living legends? Bleah.

Another small stressor is the fact that my interview for my job is tomorrow. I’m not worried about it, by any means, but I am annoyed at the prospect of it being a big fat waste of time. Demure drags things on forever — I hope she either reschedules or is speedy about it so that I can move on to other things (like, oh, I don’t know, DOING the job I’m interviewing for!).

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my finances. I decided that if I can just earn an extra $1,500 per month, I will survive well. I don’t need to be filthy rich — I just need to be able to afford my current expenses and budget for emergencies. That’s an extra $50 per day … how hard can it be to figure out how to make that? (P.S. Giving BJs to strangers does not factor into my mind as a plausible way to earn this extra income, BTW, so don’t suggest it! lol)

If I indeed got the holy grail of a promotion at work, then I’d only need to make maybe an extra $20 or $25 per day. This is even more easily achievable than the previous scenario.

I despise being awake because of worries over work and money. Well, that, and my lower back hurts from my snow-shoveling-with-a-flowerpot, so I’m just a mess in general. 😉

I awoke super-early Tuesday morning, too, so you’d think I’d be tired. I was having a horrible dream about being pregnant (and wondering about this immaculate conception) and being in a bar with the Beltway Bloggers. I was pissed because I couldn’t drink (and, I was probably upset with the politics, too, as a liberal lost among libertarians. heh), and the dream kept getting more intense. I awoke in a panic and remained that way for several hours.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have made myself two mocha lattes before I attempted to go to bed a few hours ago. ::sigh:: The cat’s unconscious, not fretting about a single thing — Damn it, I want to be her in my next life!