The kindness of strangers

February 18th, 2003, 3:02 PM by Goddess

Went out to clean off Samantha, only to find that the cars on both sides of me had gotten outside first, and what did they do? They dumped all their snow on/behind/in front of her. I was pissed! Granted, there isn’t a whole lot of snow-dumping space, but use a little imagination, people. All anyone had to do was walk across the sidewalk and dump the snow where the grass usually was. 🙂

Anyway, as I gave my shovel and ice-melting-stuff to my old neighbor when I left Pittsburgh, I was screwed. All I had was a plastic flower pot to use as a bucket, which I did … three hours ago. But a half hour into it, a young couple wordlessly came over with their rentals from Blockbuster and a shovel, and they set about clearing my spot. They didn’t talk much, but their names are Michael and Susan, and they live two buildings over in apt. 101. All I really got out of them was that they’re from New York and that they’re Kevin Smith fans. I told Michael that if he’d give me the shovel, I’d use it and give it back, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He and Susan took turns with it, and they approached a guy a few cars over to borrow his bucket. They were quite an efficient team, and then they made me back the car up so that they could ensure that I could pull in and out of my spot with no problems. And while I was fine with the way it was, they said forget it, we’re completely cleaning the spot. So we finished up a little while later.

I’m soaked and desperately trying to scarf down some leukwarm soup to warm up, but I had to transcribe this display of selfless human kindness. They wouldn’t even take a thank you from me — they said I’m the sixth person they’ve helped, and that it all evens out in the end. Wow. I need to send these guys flowers or a pizza or something — they were the best!

Just on a funny note, I didn’t want to wear my leather gloves, so I wore these little stretchy black numbers that have been sitting here with the tags on them. Partway into my snow-bucket-filling endeavor, I noticed that my nails tore through the fingertips, exposing my very-white French-manicured tips. We joked that I looked like my gloves came out of the 1980s. Heh. Priceless!

‘A Sorta Fairytale’

February 17th, 2003, 10:08 PM by Goddess

I vote for that Tori Amos song to be the theme song to next week’s “Joe Millioniare.”

I loved Zora. And I loved it that she showed up fashionably late to the ballroom, creating her own dramatic setting for her own decision. And I loved it that she decided to give it a whirl. I mean, at this point, why not?

I’d kinda figured that Fox was going to give Evan $50 million, to compensate for months of lying about it. But a million for them to split wasn’t half-bad. Maybe when she visits Evan in Virginia Beach, he can afford to bring her up to D.C. for dinner sometime. I hope to run into them! 😉

Awesome, awesome show. And I was falling on the floor laughing when Melissa wondered aloud whether their jewels were cubic zirconia. LOL. I was figuring on Austrian crystal myself — CZ costs a lil bit more than crystal!


February 17th, 2003, 1:44 PM by Goddess

In an event to avoid doing work, I’m doing laundry and trying to find a place for every clothing item I own. Unfortunately, I’m shoving shit into suitcases and boxes, just to get it out of sight, and I still don’t have enough room.

In 2003, I will need to:

1. Stop buying clothing, even if it is on super-discount and looks super-cute.

2. Purchase a new stereo (the one in the living room is shot).

3. Purchase a new TV (the one in my bedroom, along with the VCR, are a decade old and are nearly ready for pasture.

3. Purchase new bedroom furniture. I bought this set in 1994 (although the bed is new), but in order to find black lacquer furniture then, I had to buy a set meant for a teenager. Although I have grown, my dressers have not.

4. Purchase new glasses and finish up some dental work. Root canals and crowns are so damn expensive!

5. Purchase a new computer. The iMac is five years old and I now can no longer run Entourage and IE at the same time. Damn memory hogs.

6. Purchase an iPod. No explanation needed there!

7. Purchase some sort of large and reliable filing system. I have 10 years of paperwork and writing clips that are in two dozen separate boxes throughout the house.

And, oh what the hell …

8. Purchase a four-bedroom house. I have enough stuff with which to fill one up!

Anyway, just a random rant, not meant to be read by the masses, but I don’t know WTF else to do with myself right now.

In better news, I ~*heart*~ Dryel — I just “dryer-cleaned” six suits! To think of all the money I used to blow on real dry cleaning (um, $50/week. Yikes!), and I spent a mere $10 on today’s washing endeavors. w00t! Although this stuff gets wrinkled as all hell. ::sigh:: Always a drawback, eh?

There were people skiing across our complex today. Totally made my day. I even got a photo! I’ll try to post it later this week.


February 17th, 2003, 8:51 AM by Goddess

Thirteen inches of snow and counting, as it’s being topped off by sleet. Luckily, I brought some work home with me, as I am not taking poor little Samantha on the road today. A good stiff breeze sends her sailing anyway, so I’m not taking any chances.

Maddie and I have had a great weekend, oftentimes curling up together and watching the snow fall. We watched people trying to walk their dogs, and the dogs were thrilled to play in the snow and the humans were falling on their asses. LOL. I will never, ever have a dog, and if I do, it will be when I have a backyard, unless someone invents a canine commode in the meantime.

I awoke today to wonder whether I should try to go into work today, as I’m a wee bit behind, but at least I have a lot of stuff here to do before I attempt to go in tomorrow. I also wondered whether Mac Guy will be able to make it in to the Veggie Patch tomorrow, as scheduled.

I find myself disappointed in him, because I gave him a copy of the February issue of the Veggie Patch Gazette on CD more than three weeks ago, along with accompanying fonts/artwork/etc., so that he could get started on the March issue at home (updating the folios, clearing out the old shit, etc. — pain-in-the-ass stuff that should be done in advance). We pay him a lump sum, not by the hour, so this was done for his convenience as well as mine. He bitched about how the stylesheets were set up, so I told him to go nuts and set them to his own preferences when he gets a chance.

So I talked to him on Thursday and asked about his progress. He said he was just going to wait and come into the office this Tuesday and start doing the full layout (i.e., he’s done NOTHING). Jesus H. Tapdancing Christ. If he thinks he can do the layout in one day, well, be my guest, but he’s going to be working a long-ass day, and as I have to probably drive him home, I am not pleased with this, especially with this weather. He had asked me last week if we could submit the paper late to the publishing house. I’d said absolutely not, and he’d said, “Oh.” ?!?!?!?! WTF?

This leads me to wonder whether he’ll even be able to make it into the office tomorrow. The world won’t stop turning if the Veggie Gazette is late, but we’ve already tested the patience of our publishing house before, and I will never hear the end of it from Demure and Kumquat, and I am not doing the layout myself. I refuse. Not to mention, but if the roads aren’t safe, I do not feel the need to drag my car out of her snowdrift for my paltry salary. Not to mention, Club Medicated sure as hell isn’t going to pay for it if I wreck the car.

When I was an hourly worker, years ago, I braved my way through slush, sleet and snow to make it into work. And I didn’t have a car, so I waited for buses that never came — or came an hour late — but I did it, just so I could earn money to survive. It’s amazing, what I did for $4/hour, back then. I had such an amazing work ethic — I knew that many others would be calling off, so the workplaces would be shortstaffed, so I wanted to be there to help our customers. I don’t know of many 20-year-olds with that same kind of determination.

Yet here I find myself at 28, wondering where my work ethic went. Well, I think it’s still there, but I saw after the last issue how Kumquat shredded me over the smallest details, not taking into account the number of hours I worked and the disintegration of my physical health during the whole process. So now that it’s time again to scrape and struggle and rush to put out the product, well, I’m tired and reluctant to bust my ass the same way. I already can hear the criticism coming up for next issue, so I might as well put forth a half-assed effort. It all pays the same.

My interview is Wednesday for the job in Veggie Land. I started doing some preliminary job hunting yesterday (just in case), and it just made me sick, the thought of jumping through hoops to try to impress other companies. Just because they advertise on Washington Jobs dot com doesn’t mean that you can submit your resume through that site, thus adding another step to the process. Add to that the researching of those companies so I can write a spectacular cover letter about how good of a fit I can supposedly be with their organizations, and I am ready to give up right there. And then, supposing I get an interview, I have to lie and tell them I am perky and organized and a team player and all of those other ridiculous catchphrases they expect to hear. Companies don’t hire you as a person who will enrich their teams with your unique set of experiences and insight — they hire your resume and they hire the robot who told them what they wanted to hear. And then they can’t figure out, months down the road, why you’re not what you conveyed you were.

Just once, I’d love to go into an interview and say, “I want to work 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and I want the freedom to work from home. I’m not the least bit organized or perky, but damn it, if I believe in you and you believe in me, I will give you 100 percent and I will revolutionize your company. I require little supervision and I only respond to constructive criticism. Don’t lie to me, don’t patronize me and don’t stifle my creativity, and you’ve got yourself a deal!”

I should say that to Demure. Heh. I’d be fired on the spot. At any rate, I think it’s time for me to fly from there — this month-to-month stuff is annoying. Same shit, different month makes Dawn a dull girl. I do poorly with routine, and it would be nice to know that, for instance, I could stay home and not drive on this icy shit this week. But no, it’s production week, so I have to drag my frostbitten ass into the hellhole, because that’s the nature of the beast. For a poverty-level salary.

The real kicker, as I’m looking for jobs, is that I learned that I could be making a six-figure salary, with my experience. Six figures! The only way I have six figures on my W-2 right now is if you count the decimal places!

And the other kicker is that I can’t find any full-time job where I can use all of my hard-earned skills. I can apply for jobs compartmentalized by development, editorial, events or communications — rarely with a combination of any two or more. Not to mention, but I do have pretty good managerial skills — I can delegate work to qualified employees (although I haven’t been blessed with many of those over the years! Although Charlotte told me that Incoherent Twit’s job is on the line. Woo hoo!!! Talk about an oxygen thief!).

My hero wrote to tell me that the annual report at the old job is coming out (it was my project the year before — I suggested and produced their very first one). He said it looks great but the writing would have been so much better, had I done it. 🙂 That warmed my heart on a winter day. I almost wanted to give him Demure’s number so he can tell her how damn lucky she is to have me.

Well, off to get some more coffee. Here’s to hoping that the federal government shuts down for tomorrow, so the Veggie Patch will follow suit!

Me, an opportunistic mouthpiece?

February 16th, 2003, 8:09 PM by Goddess

Years of working in the public welfare system shot my devout liberalism in the ass pretty well, but I am SO not almost half-Republican! Cripes, I even voted in the quiz to hire the gay house boy to clean my place! (On that note, any takers? I’ve spent the whole damn day being domestic and it sucks! A foot of snow and counting … argh.)

opportunistic mouthpiece
How Republican Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Link via Dawn.

A summary of my Valentine’s Day …

February 15th, 2003, 2:36 PM by Goddess

1. Bounty of gifts, voicemails and valentines from my mom and grandfather.

2. Bounty of “awwww, how sweet!”s from both Shan and me when reading someone’s website entry about me.

2. I was the talk of the office with …

The card reads “From a Friend” …

Yellow roses tipped with red/fuschia in my office …

And they looked great in Kumquat’s office, too …

The card is clear enough to see — this one was on my car …

Thanks to the smokers from finance who saw it before I did!

I got a call to run downstairs to look at my car. They didn’t tell me it was a good surprise!

3. An online greeting from my Intrigued Reader …

Virtual Rose

4. Celebration with Shan over the fact that we BOTH received pretty flowers!

The card was the sweetest sentiment of love ever written,

but I am not at liberty to share it here. 😉 But see the flowers:

5. Lovely “dinner and ‘Daredevil'” night out with a special new friend. One wouldn’t have guessed that it was our first in-person meeting. Ladies, chivalry is not dead, that’s all I’ve got to say.

6. Wonderful follow-up note this morning from the chivalrous one, including a special website link.

‘Twas the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had!


February 15th, 2003, 11:07 AM by Goddess

This would be just my luck. The poor gal kissed her boyfriend, who had just eaten shellfish. The wtwist? She’s allergic to fish, and she went into shock and ended up in the E.R.

It reminded me of one of my favorite stories to tell. I worked for a hot sauce store a few years back, and this lovely older couple had told me about going out for a lovely hot-and-spicy dinner with their son and his fiancee. Well, the younger couple, after eating hot foods, went home and had oral sex, only what they didn’t know is that the oils from the peppers stay in your mouth for quite a few hours, and well … let’s just say that neither one of them could sit down for a day or so. Tee hee. I loved telling other customers about that — no oral sex after you eat peppers! Talk about havin’ a lil fire in your crotch. 🙂

Special day

February 14th, 2003, 3:04 PM by Goddess

It’s been quite an interesting holiday so far for both Shan and me. Thank you to everyone who made my day a memorable one, and I look forward to a memorable evening ahead with a new and charming friend.

Friday Five

February 14th, 2003, 7:34 AM by Goddess

1. Explain why you started to journal/blog.

Tiff got me started with Blogger — we were working in an organization that was lethal to our emotional well-being, and we were both having relationship issues, so it only seemed natural to vent them to the whole world. 😉 We did really well, with creating a cast of characters and never referring to actual names/places. It was fun — it was our secret little world. Charlotte joined in shortly thereafter, and it was neat to sneak a few minutes to read how the others’ days were going.

But before that, I had a journal in early 2001 with Diaryland, when I was going through severe physical and emotional trauma, but I abandoned the blog for a month or two, and all of my work was lost. I’d e-mailed Diaryland to see if they could just verify my passwords or help me in some way, but I never got an answer. That devastated me, losing that stuff. So when I re-joined the blogworld in the new millennium, I bought my own domain so I can have a backup of my work.

2. Do people you interact with day to day or family members know about your journal/blog? Why or why not?

At the last job, no, because they would’ve found a way to shut me down. Same with this job. It’s weird, because I’ve recently started telling friends and family that I have this blog. This space was once dedicated to strictly personal issues, so I could vent about the people in my life. Now I try to incorporate some pop culture references, as my number of hits jumps every month from people from oceans away from here as well as from people in my circle of friends.

Mom doesn’t have a computer, so I mail her Maddie’s page so she can keep up with her grandkitty’s exploits. I’ve sent her one or two of my own posts, but that’s about it.

Some days, I wish for a non-public blog, because when somebody scorches my s’mores and I know they read this page, well, I hold back and don’t write about it, because of the potential for a backlash. But to not write about something is like asking me to give up oxygen for an hour — I solve all of my dilemmas through writing, and it stifles my very being to have to censor myself.

3. Do you have a theme for your journal/blog?

Um, bitching?

4. What direction would you like to have your journal/blog go in over the next year?

I was thinking about warblogging, but I will always bitch about work and what not. 😉 I think I’m moving toward keeping my personal life more personal — i.e., I don’t publicize anything that I don’t want the whole world to know about. I have lots of friends — and those people as well as myself are having a lot of exciting things happening or about to happen in our lives — who don’t get a mention not because they don’t deserve it, but because my time with them is just that … it’s mine.

5. Pimp five of your favorite journals/blogs.

Da pimpz be in da hizzzouse. …

Oh god, I’m so white. 😉

If you aren’t on the short list, it doesn’t mean that I don’t send you plenty of daily hits. These are merely for interesting content as well as people who think I’m cute. LOL. Five faves, not including my own of course:

Dawn Olsen, of Up Yours & Other Helpful Tips;

Charmin, of Squeeze the Charmin;

Riti Sped, of Tard Blog;

Dave, of Interrobang;

Bill, of Bill Says This.

I’m guess I’ll keep on rootin’ for Ruben and Kimberly. …

February 12th, 2003, 8:51 PM by Goddess

Because ‘American Idol’ has removed all traces of my heroine, Frenchie.

TSG tells us tales of Frenchie Davis’ porn career, but give a girl a break. Sign the petition to bring Frenchie back to American Idol!

Oh, and I voted for Simon Cowell as sexy, not sucking. I was in the minority.

However, our dear host Ryan Seacrest is the one who sucks. What he sucks, well, I’d ponder it but I could very well be here all night!