They say the No. 1 rule of surviving a convention — and 14-hour days on your feet — is to flush your tootsies. Yes, stick a foot in the bowl and flush away. Something about the pressure and the coldness is supposed to reduce the swelling.
Well, I am not so sure I endorse this practice, but last night, I was ready to try anything. I laughed the whole damn time — I think that part alone was the best therapy possible!
Met some new friends — Karen and Chrissy — both school counselors from Philadelphia. We were at the “Peter Brady” luncheon yesterday — we’d all slipped in late and ended up together at a front table. We were chatting for awhile before Chrissy put it together that we actually knew each other from before. Turns out, my publication — The Veggie Patch Gazette — gave away a free registration to this conference, and it was Chrissy who was my winner. I hadn’t put it together because her name tag had “Christina” on it. But she asked if I were the Dawn who had left her a bubbly little message a few months ago, and we ended up marveling how cool it was that, in a convention center full of at least 3,000 people, we would end up sitting next to each other at a luncheon we each attended on a complete fluke.
The three of us went to dinner at Napa Rose last night. It was over $60 a person (let’s say I blew my lousy $42 per diem!), but we got to visit the California Grand Hotel and ate exotic foods. Our goal was to go somewhere new and try something new. I think I’ve made some very good friends who will be good contacts for me in the future.