Friday Five

March 14th, 2003, 7:09 AM by Goddess

1. Do you like talking on the phone? Why or why not?

I hate when the phone rings, because it’s usually a creditor, but when it’s a friend, I love it to death. Especially now that I am 250 miles away from a lot of the people with whom I used to spend every day of my life, their voices always sound so comforting and familiar.

As far as work, again, every time the phone rings, it’s somebody wanting me to do something for them, which means more work. Yippee. But then again, I’d rather just get the conversation overwith live and in person, because people call back immediately after leaving a message, just to see if I got the message as well as to find out when I’m working on it. And also with doing interviews over the phone, while I do doing e-mail interviews, phoners are easier because I have the information already in my head and can map out the future story much better, because I hate reading boring stuff and trying to re-arrange it.

2. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?

Shannon and Mom, of course, and daily, at least. But then I got a curveball earlier this week when I heard from a very dear old friend, whose voice I always enjoyed, so that was memorable enough to mention. πŸ™‚

3. About how many telephones do you have at home?

None. Just the cell now.

4. Have you encountered anyone who has really bad phone manners? What happened?

When I supervised the little illiterate, known as Incoherent Twit, at my last job, we had to meet to discuss her phone demeanor. She would crack gum in your ear, lose her train of thought, change the subject to tell me whatever she just saw in the Spiegel catalog, and use bad grammar. She would also set appointments to meet people, just to get them off the phone, and never write it down, so those people would hunt me down, looking for her at their assigned meeting time, only she was nowhere to be found.

Then, just in general with others, there are the assholes who cough or sneeze into the phone — it’s as disgusting having them doing it in your face. It only takes a half second to cover the receiver or their mouths, or even to pull the receiver away from their mucous-filled faces for a moment, but many people just don’t consider that you don’t want your eardrums blown out.

5. Would you rather pick up the phone and call someone or write them an e-mail or a letter? Why or why not?

Depends on the person. With creditors, I send letters. With family, I call because they don’t have e-mail, and there are some days when I wish I could simply drop a two-line note instead of having to wait for the answering machine to pick up and then talk till somebody in the house picks up the phone. With e-mail, at least we can all write at the moment a thought occurs to us, but with the phone, we can riff off of each other and share the moment — I always tend to remember my live conversations much more fondly than those over e-mail or instant messenger — people type only what they want you to know — but their voices can’t hide much of anything.

‘Tastes so good, make a grown man cry — sweet Cherry Pie. …’

March 12th, 2003, 9:13 PM by Goddess
cherry pie


Just like the Sade song says.

That’s because you have a streak in you, Girl, and it cannot be denied.

You really know how to have a good time, but you wouldn’t know it from your sweet exterior.

Not only do you like to be the center of attention…

But you also like your pussy to be the center of attention.

And it usually is because men know prime pussy when they see it.

Or feel it. Or taste it. Or bang it.

Is *Your* Pussy Sweet or Sour?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


March 12th, 2003, 6:46 PM by Goddess

So I have officially been extended an offer to become the official editor of the Veggie Patch Gazette.

The salary will be waaaayyy lower than industry standards. I looked at Demure and asked why they chose to arrive at that number. She said it’s due to budgetary constraints.

I said, well, let me sleep on it. She looked like she was going to shit a brick, that I wasn’t catapulting myself around in joyous epileptic fits.

After I interviewed with Kumquat today, I knew he wanted me to ascend. I wasn’t impressed with the other two candidates that Demure asked me to interview, and even Kumquat told me that he was puzzling over why in the world she would subject me to that. I don’t think he was overly impressed with the others, either. I don’t think Demure wanted me, but in the throes of budget crises, she realized I’d be the cheapest labor.

Offering to hire me was on its way to being the first vote of confidence they gave me, but then Demure told me I can’t hire a staff writer till next fiscal year. ?!?! Does she NOT understand how BURNED OUT I am? And the salary she proposed would be $2K LESS than I am making with a bonus.

Sure, it would look great on a resume, but I have goals, and the proposed salary won’t help me to achieve them. Not that my *usual* salary was doing any wonders for my bank account and debts, though. πŸ™

I need to figure out how to negotiate this salary tomorrow. Any advice?


March 11th, 2003, 10:44 PM by Goddess

Shan and I went to Landmark Mall tonight for amusement purposes. But we had somewhat of a Mastercard-esque commerical moment when we were walking past a pastry shop to go into Sears.

There were these two nice-looking guys to our right as we were heading to Sears, and the pastry shop was on the left. Just as one of the guys said, “Well hello ladies,” Shan starts pointing at a pastry and going, “Oh God that looks good!” and meanwhile, I was trying to covertly scratch my ass. Heh. You had to be there to fully appreciate it, but yes, we were being admired as we were acting like our usual dipshit selves. πŸ˜‰ Priceless!

Well now

March 11th, 2003, 9:39 PM by Goddess

Received a most unexpected phone call from Brat today — wasn’t I just thinking about him? Wow. Strange in a definitely good way. Missed his voice. Loved catching up and trading barbs. I zinged him pretty well before the conversation ended, so I’m feeling rather triumphant. πŸ˜‰ Might have to look him up next time I’m back in the ‘Burgh.

And Susan, thanks for telling him I’m moving back! πŸ™‚ I just might have to punish you with a surprise visit or somethin’ in the very near future. …

Ride THIS up the Beltway!

March 11th, 2003, 11:55 AM by Goddess

Read it and weep. πŸ™‚ Courtesy of a colleague who didn’t realize the irony.


March 11th, 2003, 8:04 AM by Goddess

Listened to Tatu’s CD on the way to work. Kept listening as I sat in my car and wished that I had a different life. πŸ™‚ I know y’all have seen their video a dozen times by now, but go check it out again. But have a change of underwear handy, OK? πŸ˜‰

As an aside, I noticed that I’m not the only one who sits in my car and dreads the dawning of a new workday. As I sipped my coffee, smoked my cigarette and belted out the lyrics to “All the Things She Said,” I noticed a handful of others, slumped in their driver’s seats, looking like they were about to face the prison warden.

Shan and I still maintain that March is our month for ridding ourselves of the things that cause us stress and negativity in our lives. We’ve been kicking ass on our business stuff, and things are shaping up nicely. Time to stop pretending that things are OK and actually make them better than OK. Time to stop shoveling sand against the tide — time to jump on the wave and ride that bad boy up the Beltway! πŸ˜‰


Do NOT buy the aforementioned CD!!! Good lord, if I wanted to hear screeching lesbians, I’d bust out my old Lilith Fair CDs. Sheesh.

Executive Summary

March 10th, 2003, 10:47 PM by Goddess

1. Stressed at work (whatta shocker)

2. Made it to Round 2 of interviews at Veggie Patch

3. Will interview my competition this week (?) to tell them why they don’t want the job

4. Will do my last interview after #3 is complete

5. Listening to k.d. lang’s “Invincible Summer” album all day did no good in alleviating emotional hangover caused by previous entry (and the perfume never did wear off — damn it)

6. Bought Tatu’s CD for $9 (a steal!) … and it has their video on it as well ::drool::

7. Am half-step away from going postal and ripping someone a new one with my teeth — doesn’t matter who, just the next person who irritates me

8. Had a Shamrock Shake for dinner — woo hoo!!!

9. Business ideas are a-bloomin’ from above and below the Mason-Dixon line — and maybe one of the businesses will be based in New Orleans, if I play my cards right!

10. As far as I’m told, the decision of whom to hire at the Veggie Patch will occur before we all leave for Anaheim next week, and whomever is hired won’t start till mid- to late-April. Crud muffins. At least that means I get two more bonus checks, at any rate.

11. I applied for another job, only to get an e-mail today to say that the position was just filled, and thanks for playing, but do not pass go. It’s all good — it just wasn’t meant to be. Likewise, with the Veggie Patch, if I’m not meant to be promoted to the job I’m already doing, so be it. I went apeshit today because of raging incompetence from my peers that almost cost me my ass. If I don’t officially get the promotion, it means that better things are ahead for me, only elsewhere.

12. I’m VERY impressed with the scores of those who have taken my quiz so far!!! Now, who gets to score with me? πŸ˜‰

‘In my mind, I’m going to Carolina …’

March 10th, 2003, 8:04 AM by Goddess

Today I wore my warm vanilla sugar body spray, the stuff I haven’t touched since I was in South Carolina, circa October 2001. My head is full of memories and my heart is full of sadness. For reasons best left unexplained, it wasn’t the dream vacation I’d been hoping it would be, but I will never forget the pier, the sand, the moonlight and the salty air; the open-air bars with malfunctioning air conditioning; the hot sun beaming down on the courtyard at the convention center; … and the feeling of being so close yet so far away from someone I had grown to adore and maybe even love.

Funny how I don’t think about him much anymore, yet today, a mere scent can rip me backward and force me to remember what I’ve tried valiantly to forget. I wonder if he ever regrets how things happened — I wonder if he knows that he was 50 percent of the reason that I left Pittsburgh. I wonder if he ever stops to wonder how good things could have been and how lucky he really was. We may never know, but I do know that I stopped wearing this scent for a reason. πŸ™‚

Going where many men (toys, etc.) have gone before. …

March 9th, 2003, 8:38 PM by Goddess

Enough of MY quiz results … take my “Cocktails and Cockpits” quiz and and see how well you know me!

For those with scores above average — if you haven’t yet ridden the Beltway, get in line and take your turn! Damn it! πŸ˜‰