Fresh from the funny farm

June 16th, 2003, 1:02 PM by Goddess

Shan totally wowed me with her quote of the day. Apparently there is a little vegetable stand in the parking lot of Landmark Mall. The sign outside of it reads: “Farm-Fresh Vegetables, fresh from the farm.” Shan suggested we modify it and bring it back to work: “Farm-Fresh Veggies: fresh from the Funny Farm.” 🙂

Crank yanker

June 16th, 2003, 8:42 AM by Goddess

Phone call a few minutes ago:

Caller: “Hi, I’d like to subscribe to the Veggie Patch Gazette.”

Me: “Fine, I’ll connect you with our fulfillment house. It’s $85/year, going up to $89/year on July 1, so I suggest you call this week and get the lower rate.”

Caller: “That’s outrageous!”

Me: “Membership to my association is $150; I think $85 is a fair price for a subscription, which gives you 12 months of 50 to 60 pages of copy. The price is reflective of my printing costs.”

Caller: “Well, forget it. The content sucks anyway.”

Me: “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

Caller: *slams down phone*

Um, thanks for sharing your loving opinion with the editor AND primary writer. Asshat!