Normally, I want to hold my hair back and yawn in Technicolor when I hear of other peoples’ happiness. But I take exception when that person is Shan, my darling blushing bride friend.
We had a lovely little mini-reception for her today at work, whereby everyone looked at the photos and said what a lovely dress she had (hey, I know — I was there to pick it out!). But they should’ve said what they meant — that she was a lovely bride. Judge for yourself. 😉 And get the tissues ready. …
Shan on the beach at sunset in Maui — Monday, July 7, 2003
Shan and John after they said their vows. The minister did a Hawaiian ceremony and also did a blessing for baby Alex, who is set to make her debut in late September. …
Shan and John with their tropical cake and matching bridal bouquet
Three hours with the photographer yielded various stages of sunset photos. Doesn’t the third one remind you of the old “Virginia is For Lovers” ad?
This, my friends, is what I want. A wedding/honeymoon with a special person in a faraway land. Shan was so bummed that I wasn’t there, and hasn’t stopped reminding me of it. 😉 But just to show what great friends we are, I had sent her a text message at 9:24 a.m. (my time) on July 7, but it bounced back as undeliverable, so I resent it at 9:30 a.m. to the right number. At the same time, she awakened at 3:24 a.m. (her time; also the same time I sent the first message) and thought about calling me. And then when my message arrived a few moments later, we were connected, despite the time zones. I’m glad she’s back here, but I’m even happier that the wedding went off with nary a detail out of place. 🙂 Congratulations, friends!