In brief

July 25th, 2003, 10:12 PM by Goddess

Paper went to bed today, and I’m fucking drained.

1.a. Got a wonderful compliment when I was at the publishing house today. The customer care reps were pampering me and checking in on me, and when one came in to ask, “What do you think? How does it look?”, I used one of my goofy voices and said, “Pretty!” He laughed and said, “We love it when you’re here.”

1.b. Had some minor paper crises today, but one was funny. Pride Fag, our president, well, his photo got fucked up and we only had a picture of his eyebrow and a corner of his head. While that is unquestionably the most attractive photo I’ve ever seen of him, I had to run back to the office to fix the photo and re-make the page to place it on the publisher’s server for downloading over there. Heh. I told the story all day, and everyone agreed that the eyebrow photo should have stayed put!!! 🙂

1.c. I put up a sign yesterday at work: “Press Day: emergencies only, please.” And I put a smiley face with it, so that I couldn’t be ripped apart for being rude. Wouldn’t you know, I got seven interruptions, all of whom (some more than once) came in to say, “That sign is a great idea!” (Obviously, they thought it didn’t apply to them.)

2. Today’s horoscope: “Don’t continue to waste your energy on paths that are going nowhere.”

3. My second interview with Sports Guy was great, and I heard a rumor that H.R. and Graphics Gal are favoring him. Turns out that they asked some unsuspecting folks like RC and others who saw both candidates in the lobby to give their gut reactions. We’re trying to figure out if the gal is really serious or is just being very formal because it’s an interview process. Gut observations from the peanut gallery indicate that, if I could merge the girl’s skills with the guy’s attitude, I’d have the perfect worker. I still haven’t made my final decision, but he’s lookin’ like the winner. One thing I do know — my decision will most likely outlive me, so I need someone who will be trainable and willing to let the bullshit slide, and the guy seems more likely to roll with the punches. The girl reminds me of myself at her age — opinionated, defiant, passionate. Although, a year at the Veggie Patch has drained all of that, and then some, from me, so I would hate to see her lose that fire the way I keep losing mine. I just hope she doesn’t cast a spell on me when we say thanks but no thanks!!! 😉

4. I’ve reached the end of my rope with the Veggie Patch. I love being the queen of its monthly Gazette, as it truly is a fun job, and it will be even more so once I have a sidekick to split the work with me. But I have a title with little authority, and even in the staff box, Cruise Director is listed above me, and that just goes to show me my place in the (dis)organization.

5. I haven’t really looked at my phone in days, but today I see that six voicemails have cropped up. My god. But the way I’ve been feeling, it is best that I not speak to anyone. I’m temperamental and likely to share my mood with the world, so I am locking myself in the house and packing like a fiend in silence tomorrow, until Shawn and I attend a housewarming party. For my own housewarming, I’m thinking of a haunted one — by late October, I should be starting my recovery from the financial disaster I have just gotten myself into, having two apartments at once. 🙂

6. Had a nice dinner date this evening. Needed the decompression time. Now, off to bed with my eucalyptus stress mask for my forehead! All this thinking has wiped me out. 🙂 Later gators. …