
August 15th, 2003, 2:46 PM by Goddess

Some great photos of NYC from iMood.

Letter to the Queen Editor

August 15th, 2003, 12:15 PM by Goddess

I mentioned this letter a few days ago. I wanted to share it with my readers, to show what idiocy still really exists in the world. Just for reference, this was in response to Pride Fag’s monthly columns wherein he manages to use the words “gay,” “sodomy” and “lesbians” fairly liberally. Misspellings retained in this letter to not protect the asinine.

“Dear Pride Fag:


I am so sorry that you would use your position as president of the Veggie Patch to advocate for practices that are bringing death and destruction to untold millions and their families throughout the world. The fact is that the homosexual lifestyle is a dangerous one on all counts — you can sanatize it, you can legalize it, you can pretend that it is “moral,” but you will not be able to overcome the bacteria and viruses introduced into the body through sodomy and anal sex. If you fantasize that somehow medical science and the taxpayers can cure the consequences of homosexual sex, you are quite foolish. You cannot separate the consequences from the behaviors. Please refrain from advocating practices that are killing 600 people a day in the nation of South Africa alone! Please do not wish these consequences on your membership. Thank you.”

— Dumbass Anonymous

I have been forbidden from printing it, but it could have made some good discussion among the newspaper’s very vocal, touchy-feely readers. In stranger news, though, the guy who responded isn’t even a subscriber to the paper!

In which I am glad to not live in NYC

August 15th, 2003, 9:29 AM by Goddess

I always assumed that I would end up in New York, but after making the transition from little-big-city Pittsburgh to much-bigger-city D.C., I realized that I am fine here, that I don’t need to be in huge-ass-city Manhattan.

NYC has had way more than its share of drama, and the recent blackout is no different. I’m still waiting for some of our northeastern bloggers to come back online, but in the meantime, I am grateful that, in our 95-degree weather here, we have functioning air conditioning.

Of course, most of the major news coverage is of New York, and not of Ohio, Michigan, Canada and the parts of New Jersey and Pennsylvania that were affected. But it’s reminiscent of 9/11 coverage — how often do retrospectives and tributes focus seemingly solely on the biggest disaster site and fail to mention the Somerset, Pa., and Pentagon casualties? Too damn many, that’s how many.

In the story I linked to above, some assclown of a deli owner was whining about having to throw out $2,000 worth of ice cream, yogurt and other perishables. Here’s a thought — why didn’t he donate it to all the stranded folks who were half an inch from heat stroke in their 90-degree weather? Y’know, there’s so much talk of a newfound human kindness in Manhattan, but that sure didn’t symbolize it.

I awoke this morning to news reports of subway trains being stopped under the rivers up in NYC, and people had to walk for miles (with all the friendly rats) until they could see the light of day again. And what about all those elevators in those massive buildings? I am so glad I don’t work in skyscrapers anymore — Pittsburgh had its share of massive buildings, and I worked on the 57th floor of USX Tower for awhile and on the 36th floor of PPG Place. Eeek.

I understand that, here in D.C., no building can be taller than the Capitol Building. That is a Good Thing, although I am claustrophobic and would just spontaneously combust, were I trapped in an elevator, no matter whether near the fourth or 40th floor of a building. I am thrilled to, after years of being a city girl, be living and working in the suburbs, where I drive to work and the buildings are as short as the bus my colleagues must have ridden to school as children. 🙂

Friday Five

August 15th, 2003, 7:15 AM by Goddess

1. How much time do you spend online each day?

Too much. I mostly do it at work, though, and when I come home, I check e-mail and go watch TV for a change of pace.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?

At work, the Washington Post. At home, to My Yahoo! But I actually set my first page to come up blank, so that I don’t have to wait for those pages to load unless I really want them to.

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?

Not a fan of instant messaging (thanks to all the porn spam that comes through if I haven’t filtered carefully enough). I rarely turn it on, but when I do, I use AOL instant messenger.

4. Where was your first webpage located?

Gosh. I don’t think it even exists anymore. But as far as this site, I started out at

5. How long have you had your current website?

I guess since March 2002. I’ve since gone on to buy a few more domains, but I’m too incompetent lazy to develop them.