
August 27th, 2003, 9:05 PM by Goddess

The little hellion otherwise known as Chloe (till I change her name, which might end up just being “Rosemary’s Baby”) jumped in the toilet for a second time tonight.

The bad news is, the bowl hadn’t been flushed at the time (don’t worry — it was just a liquid-filled bowl). I literally pissed, stood up, and heard a splash behind me. You know, I always felt bad for people who had not-so-bright children, but today I realize that I’ve got a cute kitty who isn’t quite all there. 🙂

So I caught her and gave her a quick bath. She now hates me. She cried the whole time. Now she’s drying off and is planning to accost me with her claws once I fall asleep.

Maddie was sitting at my feet, watching Chloe drown herself. I swear, she sits there snickering behind her paws when Chloe falls in the toilet. I can practically hear her tee-hee-ing and hiding a smile behind her big ole whiskers. And I can’t say I wasn’t laughing right along with her!


August 27th, 2003, 10:56 AM by Goddess

“If there’s a screw to be found, you’ll find it.” — one of my favorite colleagues.

Yeah, took Samantha Jones into the garage this morning to ask them to check my ever-leaking tires. A painful $52 later, I have two patched tires and two that are OK. To most people, I’m sure $52 is no biggie, but as my rent is practically doubled and I have some expenses to incur before next payday on Sept. 7, I just felt a big bad ouchie when I handed them the cash. *sigh*

And of course, for the fourth time, I’ve run over a large screw. That’s why my fucking back tires are always leaking. And it’s a real damn shame that the only screws I’m getting are in my tires and wallet. 🙂


August 27th, 2003, 9:18 AM by Goddess

I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work. I am not writing to bitch about work.

*whew* I feel better.

I really feel like I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. And I feel like my head is going to implode today. And I would love some training in not only how to do my job better, but also in how to deal with office politics. I now have to go beef up some stories (that I didn’t write) because the “right” people weren’t quoted. And here I was just pleased to have new, cutting-edge topics with different voices than the same leaders who are quoted in every issue of the paper.


Kill me.