‘See You in Hell’

August 20th, 2003, 12:12 PM by Goddess

Creationists, The Pope
Circle I Limbo

Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies, Rednecks
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Bill Gates, Militant Vegans
Circle IV Rolling Weights

People who dump their shit on you but don’t really care how you’re doing, DMV Employees
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

People who put their kids on the phone to talk to you, People who say, “I wish I could help” but then never do anything to help
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

PETA Members
Circle VII Burning Sands

Republicans, People who won’t go the fuck away
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

General asshats
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

Vote for Maddie as the Blogosphere’s Cutest Pet!!!

August 20th, 2003, 8:58 AM by Goddess

Go vote for my baby in John’s contest! Maddie is counting on you!!! πŸ™‚

Etymology lesson

August 20th, 2003, 7:15 AM by Goddess

Subtitle: ‘Asshat is new! Β Asshat is hip! Β Asshat is now!’

Because I use the word “asshat” (and variations thereof) so frequently (particularly in relation to work — see entry below), I wanted to share its meaning and history.

Link via the ever-fabulous Jane.

If I were a condom …

August 19th, 2003, 12:43 PM by Goddess

Would you buy me and take me home? πŸ˜‰

trojan ultra pleasure

You are a Trojan Ultra Pleasure!

You’re unique that’s for sure – and you think you’re the best in bed.

But people aren’t so convinced that you are really all you claim to be.

You tend to believe your orgasm is more important than everyone else’s.

Click here for totally free condoms, lube, and more.

What Trojan Condom Are You?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Welcome home, little fighter

August 18th, 2003, 9:26 PM by Goddess

Rejected title: Not-so-mundane Monday anymore

I won’t provide any spoilers in the “Freddy vs. Jason” battle, so go spend the nine bucks yourself. πŸ™‚ But I loved it, minus being annoyed by Kelly Rowland the entire two hours. And they showed a lot of titties — every time one of them died, I had to say, “What a waste of implants.”

The quote of the night comes from Freddy, when he finally killed Kelly. (Yes!) “How sweet — dark meat!” (For those of you who remember the “fresh meat” quote from several years back.) lol

In real-life battles, we learned today that baby Alex might get to go home tomorrow. Shan has been practically living at the hospital, so her mom called to fill me in. Things were very rocky for the past week — the baby’s veins in her head shut down, so they had to hook up an I.V. to her head. But ever the trouper (this is the kid who peed on her first X-Ray), she ripped out the I.V. cords. Shan’s mom noted that there was obviously no switching her at birth with another baby — she’s definitely gotten Shan’s fire. πŸ™‚

But all in all, Shan has been getting training from the nurses about caring for the little one at home. If they both make it through tonight with no problems, then Alex goes on her way in her $250 specialized carseat for little squirts like herself. She’s lost some weight — down to 4.6 pounds — but they all think she’s getting stronger. And apparently she’s the loudest one in the NICU — every time Shan walks through the doors, it’s her little one who’s hollering for attention.

I had given Shan a cool kids’ book on a caterpillar who turns into a butterfly. It’s even got a silky caterpillar running through the center of the entire book. (Thank you, Reader’s Digest, for sending me the book to review in a scholarly publication. WTF? Ha ha) Shan’s mom says she reads the book to Alex over and over, and Alex has proclaimed it as her favorite storytime reading material. πŸ™‚

At any rate, *whew.* I’ve been worried about the girls. I can only imagine how overloaded Shan’s circuits are right now, but I am just so glad to have an update. Shan’s mom will be in town on the 27th of this month, and she’s all about gettin’ the baby shower set up during that time. I am thinking the 28th will work fine, given that we actually get the paper to bed at a decent hour that day. *knocks on wood — no wood available — using head instead.*

Mundane Monday

August 18th, 2003, 1:42 PM by Goddess

Y’know, I’m poor right now, so I am careful with my money (until Friday, when the beloved payday — even with the furloughed hours — arrives). So I went to (dread) Burger King for a sammitch.

I got into the drive-thru line, and I had to commend them for desigining the line so well that you simply cannot get pissed off and drive away before reaching the windows. There I sat for 15 minutes, behind four cars, waiting for hell to freeze over. Several times, I thought, fuck it, I’m outta here. But then, I didn’t see how my beloved Samantha Jones could possibly climb over the festive landscaping of rocks, mulch and huge-ass bushes. Oh, and then there was that curb thingy too. πŸ™‚

So of course I sat smoking and inhaling fumes from the Nissan in front of me, only to pull up to the window. The guy said, “$4.60” which I repeated back to him. He nodded. So I gave him exact change. He ended up looking at me funny, going to the register, and giving me change. I looked confused, and he said, “Four Seech-TEEEN.” *scream*

Why do I keep torturing myself at drive-thrus around here? Why don’t I just fucking learn how to cook? Why waste my money and my time on these horrible experiences? But at least they got the food right — a real rarity for them. Bleah.

Speaking of paying to scream

In better news, I’m goin’ with my blogbuddies Shawn, Scott and Dave to see “Freddy Vs. Jason.”.

I am a huge “Nightmare on Elm Street” fan, so I am already pullin’ for Freddy. But it’s like there’s something missing from the pic already — I just hope there are some special cameos from some of our other favorite slashers, or at least a “Killer Tomato” or two. And wouldn’t it be darling if we found out that “Chucky” was one of their sons? Heh.

Sunday synopsis

August 17th, 2003, 9:12 PM by Goddess

Obligatory ‘SATC’ wrap-up — as always, see my life on-screen

“Sex and the City” found Carrie shoe-less after someone stole her $485 silver Manolos from a baby shower. The culprit was never found, and the hostess refused to pay her the full value (which she very well should have, and damn straight, she could afford it).

But the hostess started putting Carrie down for her extravagant lifestyle, saying, “And why should I have to pay for your lifestyle?” So Carrie tabulated how much money she’d spent on the woman’s engagement gift, wedding gift and boatload of baby gifts (which easily came to well over $2,200) and wondered why we single folk are obligated to buy gifts for everyone else’s life events when we ain’t gettin’ shit in return. Like she asked, “Why doesn’t Hallmark make a card for, ‘Hey, at least you didn’t marry the wrong guy!’ occasions?”

So she left a VM for the greedy bitch, saying that she’s getting married … to herself. And by the way, she’s registered at Manolo.

And damn sure if the gal didn’t go to Manolo to check out her registry. There was one lone item on it — the gorgeous silver shoes that had disappeared. So the gal purchased the shoes and sent a lovely congratulatory note with them to Carrie.

Oh, that one hit home. I do buy gifts because I like whatever I saw — I purchase gifts at any time of the year, when I see something that reminds me of the recipient. But I loathe being forced into purchasing something because I feel obligated. And let’s face it, O Single Friends, can you stomach another occasion for someone else, when there’s no clear time in sight when that sentiment will ever be reciprocated? Like, even at work, when someone’s selling Girl Scout cookies or wrapping paper or other stupid shit for their children … do you ever wonder who’s going to buy that shit when you have kids? Or what if you never have children?

Like Carrie’s Hallmark card statement indicates very clearly — who’s celebrating the rest of us for just not meeting Mr./Ms. Right and not continuing our fabulous line of genetics? When does the line of duty ever bend into a circle?

Shawn brought me cigarettes and brought us a fabulous apple flip cake for the festivities. He’s my new Sunday standing date. Hey, I’ll take a hot date in my life any way I can get one! πŸ˜‰

In other news

Attempted to wax today. Yes, as in “why not stick wax strips to the lower half of my body and rip off some hair today?” I was appalled to read that one must not shave for three weeks for this shit to be effective. I went without battling with my razor for five days, and that was enough growth for me. So, I showered, came out and waxed un-poetic. It didn’t hurt much (hell, I used to work for Satan Herself, so nothing is THAT bad), but it left my thighs stuck together and when I bent over to try to do my calves, a certain tender part welded itself to my petrified thighs. Ouchie ouchie!

This went on for a full, oh, five minutes before I realized that the wax strips were only removing, at best, half of the hair beneath the strip. Fuck me. At any rate, let’s just say I jumped right back into the shower and shaved absolutely everything. And then some. Bleah. And now there is wax stuck between the blades of my favorite razor. Never. Again. Quote me on this! πŸ™‚

No soup for you!

No pussy, that is.

The cat never arrived. Mikey never called. I left him a VM to try to catch me this week. I’m sure something came up, but something always comes up with everyone in my life. It’s a vicious cycle — people are calling you while you’re trying to get in touch with someone else, and so on. In today’s high-tech world, you just cannot get away from the damn phone or e-mail, and even when you’re sorry to miss a call (Leslie, I can’t believe I missed six calls from you! Gaah! Forgive me, please!), you’re wondering WTF some other people are doing while you’re trying to call them repeatedly.

And I love one of my dear (local) friends with all of my heart, but right now, I’m a little stressed because I have to call Oregon to get news on happenings down the highway. But I understand the need for this right now, and it shall pass. But it’s really easy to worry about folks when you don’t know if things are going swimmingly or hideously. And I’m just one of those people who is impatient when worrying about someone’s well-being.

I need to start getting out and meeting people more. Single people. Single fuckable people. I like being busy, and I’d like to — ahem — get busy. (*wink wink nudge nudge*) Sure beats sitting around with my thumb up my ass, trying to please the world and not myself.

Speaking of cats and other pussies

I was thinking about my old friend Alan this weekend, how easy it was for him to stop returning my calls. It’s a long, sordid story, best left offline, but after I moved, I really tried to keep up the communication (although I wasn’t good about it when we lived in the same city). But he wrote me off. *Poof* And I was hurt for a minute, but it’s more than OK now. That’s just life. You just stop having things in common with people. Then one day you wonder if the only thing you had in common with them was that you lived in the same ZIP Code. But he’s a good guy, and our friendship was very give-and-take, and I was sad to see it go. But when I realize that I can barely keep in touch with all my good buddies who live off the same wretched highway (I-395) as I, I don’t feel so bad. Fare thee well, old chum. At least, since you forgot to send me a wedding invitation, I didn’t have to buy you a gift. πŸ˜€

‘Cat Scratch Fever’

August 17th, 2003, 9:00 AM by Goddess

The new little puss arrives tonight. I am sufficiently prepared with a new litterbox, collar, food and whatnot to make her arrival a pleasant one for her.

We attempted to generate some discussion on Maddie’s page about what we should call her, although Tiff and I ended up listing the four million monikers we’ve given to Maddie over time. I can’t believe no one else would participate in the great “Name that Pussy!” contest. πŸ™‚

I am still looking for names for the little one, as well as any tips on how to not have my two cats kill each other when I’m not looking. So, consider this a plea for help on playing with pussy. Any suggestions? πŸ˜‰


August 16th, 2003, 4:42 PM by Goddess

Am officially out of my old apartment, as of today. Tiff and I worked hard and not only lugged the rest of our shit outta there, but also left the place spic and span.

Of course, I have no remaining energy to either A.) clean the place I officially live in now, or B.) unpack the friggin’ car.

But all in due time, I s’pose. But I am curling up on the couch and tuning out the outside world, once this blog entry is done. My fingers, back and feet are absolutely aching. But we did go get a celebratory Slurpee at our favorite 7-11 after we turned in our keys and parking passes, which I am enjoying mightily right now. πŸ™‚ Hurrah for frozen orange-pineapple Crystal Light!

Housewarming is likely to occur Nov. 1. Gives me just enough time to unpack six million boxes. πŸ™‚


August 15th, 2003, 2:46 PM by Goddess

Some great photos of NYC from iMood.