Spent the last two hours preparing and stuffing mushrooms for tomorrow’s pot-less lunch at work. I usually use tiny mushrooms so that everyone can get one, but fuck it. I used three dozen regular ones, and that was enough for me.
Now to just remember to bake them before I leave tomorrow. That means actually getting up early enough to let the fuckers cook. 🙂
The little cat is now answering to Short Bus and to Katie. I loved the name Chloe at one point, but now I just want to call the little terror by a name that’s all her own. Something tells me that Short Bus will win out. 🙂
Maddie still hates her, but she’s warming up to me again, although she does hiss at me from time to time to show her disgust. This is a cat who lets small children pull her tail and ride her around the living room, so it’s weird for her to be so damn angry all the time. But Maddie’s still my favorite child, and I hope she knows that. Short Bus doesn’t seem to care, as long as I keep the food coming. 😉
I’ve been eating so terribly in my poverty. I had crackers with cream cheese and green pepper jelly for dinner tonight. Both cats were trying to have some, but I didn’t want them shitting green peppers all night. I swear, I just changed their litter last night, and already there are 10 pounds of cat shit as well as about five pounds of litter sprayed all over their area. I even bought a rug to put their boxes on, and the rug is covered in crystals. I cannot win with these two, and I don’t even know why I keep trying.
Damn, I’m tired. Off to bed with the trusty Pocket Rocket at my side. …