Things are going swimmingly here in Alexandria, Va., during the early hours of Hurricane Isabel’s rag upon the East Coast, minus the 1.2 million without power in Virginia.
Meryl gives us tips on how to tell when you’re in a hurricane. Junk food and popcorn on the grill. Good times, I tell ya.
Dave called earlier to say that he’s lost half the power at his apartment. Unfortunately, that’s down the street, so I’m hoping his power gets restored quickly and that the rest of this city stays happily hooked up. I’ll be taping “Survivor” for him — sounds like a good time to catch up on blog-reading, or (gasp!) read a book. 🙂 Update: Read 70 pages of “Good in Bed.” Not bad for an hour and a half!!! 🙂
The federal government was closed today. I heard D.C. government is closed again tomorrow, which is great news (assuming the federal government follows), even though it’s not like there was a snowball’s chance in hell that I would be returning to work anytime soon. 🙂 But it would be great for me to put the publication of the paper on hold for a week, and this is just the excuse I’d need (seeing as though near-death doesn’t qualify for a deadline extension). Update: the feds are closed! Party on, Wayne!
It’s been raining steadily here for hours. A lot of branches have snapped off the trees in my apartment complex. There is one massive branch right in front of my car, but it doesn’t seem to have hit it. *whew* Then again, the worst is yet to come, but let me tell you, if there weren’t two flights of steps leading into my apartment, I’d bring my car in here. 🙂
I got a new oven today. w00t! The old one was emitting fumes and had all the wrong knobs on it (i.e., you couldn’t turn the fucking thing on because the knobs didn’t fit and they came off in your hands). This one is the same ugly almond color as the other one (damn these apartment complexes and their bland almond fixtures, floors, walls and tiles!), but at least it’s brand-new. I SO need my apartment to be “Queer Eyed” because it’s so damn boring to look at right now. 🙂
Anyway, that’s news for now from the Axis of Isabel. I’m sure I’ll blog more, assuming the power doesn’t cut out! 🙂 Stay dry, kids. And try not to blow away!