Because my luck wasn’t bad enough

September 20th, 2003, 6:07 PM by Goddess


I have half-power in my kitchen. What does that mean? My fridge is on but all my food has thawed out since the storm hit.

I stocked up on all kinds of foods for during/after the storm, not to mention that it’s nice to have food in the house for when you’re, oh, hungry. But now, my stocked-full freezer is warmer than the running water, and everything’s spoiling. So, not like I needed an excuse, but I’m cookin’ up a storm tonight — getting rid of everything that’s going to go bad.

Heh. The saline in my I.V. bags put a good 12 pounds on me, and now I’ll be munching on the contents of my fridge. Oh, yeah, I see a visit to Weight Watchers (or to a plastic surgeon) in the near future, but tonight, we eat! Oompah! 🙂

Update The a/c stopped working. It’s blowing warm air. When does this madness END?!?!

Kadi’s back!

September 20th, 2003, 1:05 PM by Goddess

Subtitle: Wish I could say the same about the hot water.

Well, I picked up the Short Bus cat from Paul today. We had a nice visit — and as we had our appendixes out within a week of each other, we could commiserate about how bad the hospital care was. Cripes, we sounded like a coupla old farts, bitching about our health. 🙂

I brought the cat home so that Mikey could pick her up today, but I just left him a message saying that I think I’d like to give it one more try with the girls. If Maddie gets depressed again, Short Bus goes for good. But if they can at least learn to co-exist, then I’d rather keep the kitty with me. I had assumed that, if they didn’t get along, Mikey could just keep Short Bus. But instead, he’s got too much going on (and is fostering three brand-new kittens right now), so Kadi would have to go up for adoption. And I was feelin’ pretty guilty about that, so I’ll give it one more go. Wish me luck! So far, the girls are quiet and just watching each other, so I will take that as a sign of good things to come.

The hot water will be off for another four days, according to my neighbors Bob and Sue. Great. Just frickin peachy. But Bob and Sue also don’t have a/c, which I do have, so their lives are much rougher right now. Damn storm. Paul and Bryan are still waiting for their cable to come back on. I think no cable is the worst problem of the three — I can’t imagine sitting around, convalescing, without a TV to lull you to sleep. 🙂

But as for me, well, I hate to say it, but I am in no hurry to take another frostbite-inducing shower anytime soon, so I am not going to be going out or inviting anyone over in the near future. At least the TV doesn’t care how much I reek. 🙂

Perpetual nipple hard-on

September 20th, 2003, 8:35 AM by Goddess

OK, so I gave up and took an ice-cold shower this morning. Sweet mother of pain. My nerve endings are electrified.

There’s a new commercial out for Herbal Essences — I think it’s for the body wash. Some chick gets into the shower and her dipshit husband starts yelling that they don’t have hot water, and should he call a plumber? And she screams, “No!” and lathers up in the body wash, and it gets all hot and steamy in there.

All I have to say, kids, is that I want them to shoot that commercial with a shower that ONLY has cold water. There will be shrieking, no question, but it won’t be in pleasure.

Of course, maybe I need to go buy some of that Herbal Essences crap, till my hot water comes back. ‘Cause today’s shower just sucked, not to mention that it smelled like a community center pool, with all the damn chlorine the water treatment plants must have dumped into the H2O supply. Ick.

Oh, and the coffee pot won’t work. How am I supposed to bring my body temperature back up to normal without coffee?!?!