New cats, no tricks

October 7th, 2003, 8:05 PM by Goddess

This one’s for Tink.

Everyone knows that Maddie is my beautiful and brilliant cat and that Kadi, well, she’s lucky she’s cute or she’d be in trouble. 😉

I told you a few days ago how Kadi rammed her head into the sliding glass door, trying to catch my black-and-purple bat garland I was working with outside. Well, yesterday, I was outside playing with garland again, and ol’ Short Bus Cat was hot on the case, trying to get this garland. This time, though, she was trying to bust through the screen to get the shiny, crinkly stuff dangling from my hands. Dumbshit jumped up and threw her claws into the screen, and she got stuck up in the air for a few minutes — she was afraid to let go and had this delicious look of terror on her puss. Heh. I was amused.

Tonight, I was in the bathroom (grabbed Taco Hell on the way home from work — you decide why I was on my human litterbox — *giggle*), and of course the furry fuckers had to play at my feet the whole time. Shit, they have a whole apartment to dance around, but as soon as my scandalous guchies go around my ankles, these two think they’re invited to puss-fest. *shudder*

At any rate, the kitties started fighting, and the bathroom door ended up closed. I know for a fact that Maddie knows how to open the door, and as Kadi tried desperately to pull the door open, Maddie sat there looking so smug. It’s almost like Kadi looked imploringly at her for assistance, but Maddie wasn’t budging. In fact, while Kadi was preoccupied with the door, Maddie took that opportunity to get a running start and jump right on her (see an 18-pound cat jump on a 3-pound cat and you WILL laugh your ass off!).

Kadi then lost interest in the door and chased Maddie’s tail, even though Maddie wasn’t moving her pudgy ass anywhere. Finally, Kadi jumped into her haven — the bathtub. Once she was out of sight, Maddie jumped up and pulled the door open and sauntered out, hiding a smile behind her whiskers.

Sometimes having feline company while you’re on the throne ain’t so bad, especially when you see your favorite cat win the battle. Although, arguably, it doesn’t take a genius to outsmart Kadi. 😉

I could kill someone

October 7th, 2003, 2:15 PM by Goddess

After spending half the day waiting for my *new* insurance rep to call me, I called someone else.

Initially, I was informed that I can’t have my policy renewed, because it’s been canceled for two months. It could only be renewed if it were within 30 days, which blows because I didn’t KNOW until yesterday that my car insurance was gone without my consent.

I can, of course, and WILL at this point, go with another insurance provider, but I will be a higher risk — and therefore have to pay a higher fee — because I’VE HAD NO INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR MORE THAN TWO MONTHS.

Oh, I’m sure you know you can’t get your car inspected without insurance coverage. And don’t forget the DMV’s Uninsured Motorist Fee during lapsed months.

I called both my old agent and my new agent and went apeshit. In fact, while I was on with my OLD agent (who told me I’m pretty much SOL and it’s my own fault), the NEW agent called someone else in that office, who said that my coverage is good until tomorrow.

So together, my new agent and I called Insurance Company’s Big Headquarters, and that office confirmed that I’m covered through tomorrow.

My colleague insists that the sudden change in tune on the part of Insurance Company could be my simple, firm, “Fine, if I’ve been canceled, then send my refund, because I pre-paid for months my policy was supposedly expired.” Heh. Suddenly, they say I’ve had coverage all along. Ah, the sweet threat of making them part with money works every time! 😉

So, I’ve had knots in my stomach and shoulders all fucking day. And I will have a new policy — with a new carrier — tomorow. Hurrah.

I can’t take any more bullshit. I really can’t. Some area of my life needs to go smoothly, ’cause my sense of humor has been severely tested during the past three months (moving, surgery, hospital hell, insurance, etc.).

God, I need to get laid.

I Don’t Like Mondays Tuesdays

October 7th, 2003, 8:51 AM by Goddess

Well, this is priceless.

I recommended that my mom go with my car insurance company because it’s got the best prices around. So she met with my old agent yesterday, and she was pleased and signed with them immediately.

The bad news is that she was told that Insurance Company canceled my policy on Aug. 7. Yes, canceled. As in, “Oh, sorry you’re driving 495, 395 and 95 and nearly lose your life every day because of moronic drivers, but you’re not covered.”


I called Insurance Company’s Richmond headquarters to pitch a bitch. Apparently, my policy was canceled because I moved out of Pittsburgh. I said, look, that’s nice and all, but they’ve been sending my bills down here for the past year-plus, and nobody EVER indicated that my policy was invalid once I left Pennsylvania. Not to mention, but I NEVER RECEIVED CORRESPONDENCE TO THIS EFFECT. All I got was a letter last week to tell me that my renter’s insurance was canceled … nobody ever said word one about the car insurance.

The gal at the Richmond office noted that I don’t have any pending claims. I snarked, “Well thank GOD — who’da thought that my insurance company decided not to insure me even though I’ve PAID them to!”

She told me to find a local rep. I told her to pick a fucking name out of a hat and give me a phone number. So I called a local agent and just left a message. Sweet jesus on a pogo stick. It’s pretty bad that I wouldn’t have even KNOWN I wasn’t insured, had not my old agent told my MOM that my policy went buh-byes.

And it’s not even that I want to reward their bad behavior, but at least my VIN and all that pesky detailed information is in their system. I hate details. Hate ’em with a passion. I want them to punch in my old account number and send me a bill. Cripes — how rare is it that you WANT to spend money with a company and they REFUSE it?!?!