So Angie and I were having a rousing discussion about masturbation as we stood outside of our offices, rifling through the new copies of the magazine. We were going on at length about battery-provided joy, and then we were chatting about how our cats try to see what we’re doing and/or join in on the action (Maddie used to jump up and swat at my vibrators till she was exiled from the room; Kadi just likes to jump up and claw at the discarded clothing).
Angie had just finished describing how her cats love to jump up on the bed and see what’s happening, and she punctuated it with, “Get off the bed, Kitty!” when Cruise Director came whipping around the corner, headed to the men’s room. He overheard and went, “Um, okay” and looked disgusted.
The funniest part is that she was standing on one leg, kicking the other one back, and doing some pelvic thrusts to really show how to kick a cat off a bed while masturbating. Fun times, I’ll tell ya.
We laughed nonstop for 10 minutes after that. 🙂 And now we’re in our respective offices, giggling to ourselves.