I am never more vital than when I am multitasking. And I feel like I’ve been ahead of the rat race this week, or, if not ahead, then at least on track. But this moving around like a freakin’ Tasmanian Devil means I’m starting to get tired. Twenty-nine hours till party-time! I will be the snoozin’ mess curled up on one of the cat beds, for those who haven’t met me face-to-face yet. 🙂
The apartment wasn’t too atrocious to get together. It was already clean — I just needed to empty some boxes and shove extra knickknacks in the basement.
I am pissed, though, because my purple party lights on the balcony are only semi-functioning, and they worked just fine before I wound them around the damn railing. *sigh* As long as the grill works, though, I’ll be fine.
Shawn and I are going out tonight. I probably won’t have enough energy to be much fun, but it’ll be nice to be away from my abode during trick-or-treat hours. Ugh. Like those little psycho Children of the Corn really need sugary treats to make them even more obnoxious than they already are!
Just spent my lunch hours (yes, plural!) doing last-minute shopping. And I realize I need a few more items, anyway. *growl* I am allowing myself one more store trip, and that’s it, damn it!!! Here’s to hoping for lots of leftovers from the party, ’cause if I planned just right, I have exactly enough left over for rent!