I spy a great networking endeavor

January 28th, 2004, 10:02 PM by Goddess

OK, the Spy Museum rocked socks. Not only did we have a great lunch (mostly Atkins-based, although it hurt to pass up the creamy, cheesecakey, whipped-cream-and-berries-topped dessert), but the speakers were excellent and we got story ideas for a future edition of the Veggie Patch Gazette.

What I loved was how worshipped the journalists were. Usually, we’re considered to be the scourge of the earth, but I could not believe how well-respected my publication and my career really are — in the right company. I guess I don’t realize that influential people actually are reading our work and admiring it from afar. I was seated at a table with other editors of comparable papers (circulation and topic-wise), and they knew my publication. What was weird was that people there actually had heard of me. And they didn’t run screaming. 😉

At my workplace, my varied career background, for some reason, is considered a handicap if I expect to proceed in the editorial field. I had a few years of fund-raising/grantwriting/gala-planning/public relations/communications experience under my belt before I returned to journalism, and I’ve always been treated like such an oddity. But I had conversations with no fewer than six people who did exactly what I did or who wear all those hats at their current jobs. Sometimes I feel like, at the Veggie Patch, when I toss them ideas for how to do quick and cheap promotional activities, they look at me like I’m mad — like, “No, that’s not your job. We already overpay someone to sit on her ass and claim to do P.R. Stay in your corner.” In fact, they don’t think it — they tell me as much. And it was so refreshing to trade horror stories with my peers — it made me realize, in a big way, that I am pretty damned accomplished for being still under 30 — and accomplished even related to others who have been in the field(s) for more decades than that.

Luncheon attendees were given a free pass to go wander through the museum. Oh. My. Goodness. I LOVED it!!! Angie and I were kind of tired and bleary-eyed, what with having to take an hour each to dig our cars out of snowdrifts and to chip ice like Edward Scissorhands off our car windows, not to mention making an appearance at the Veggie Patch to boot, so we didn’t *really* read everything or partake in it. But it was way cool — you’re given an identity that you need to remember throughout your visit, and you are tested twice on the details. And if you haven’t been given the details to the questions they ask, you are to evaluate your character and make decisions on how you should answer. I am proud to say that I scored perfectly each time, and I would be a valuable asset to the CIA. *rofl* Loads of fun, I tell you. I need to take Shawn there so we can really get into the exhibits without time constraints.

Also for attending the luncheon, we were given complimentary registrations to a gala next weekend at the museum. Angie was worried that she doesn’t know what to wear, and I told her to throw on an old bridesmaid dress or something else that’s foufy and uncomfortable, and she’ll blend right in. Ugh. This means I have some dress-shopping to do, unless any of my old gala dresses actually fit (I won’t hold my breath, though!).

Oh for christ’s sake

January 28th, 2004, 10:13 AM by Goddess

Would you believe I just got another reader calling for my resignation? She of course sent it to everybody under the sun. Look, I published the fucking thing in November, I published all the irate reader responses in January, and I learned a lesson. I am getting really sick of this shit.

To Theresa, who wrote the newest letter: Bite me.

Adventures in the arctic tundra

January 28th, 2004, 8:43 AM by Goddess

You would think that, with all the masturbation I do, my wrists would be in better shape for cleaning up my car. But nooo, I’m sore and think I’ve got the early onset of frostbite (or, if not frostbite, then a burning desire to kick Mother Nature’s frigid ass).

I couldn’t get into my car today. The driver’s side was frozen shut. I crawled over the mounds of snow to get to the passenger side, only to find that somebody parked right up against me. Really, is this necessary? (And don’t think I didn’t take great pleasure when the end of my ice scraper kept whacking the other car — it was that close!) I started to crawl in through the trunk, but then I realized I had a second, smaller ice scraper back there (the big one was of course in the car, along with my de-icing shit that isn’t worth a damn anyway). So I managed to pry the door open with said tiny ice scraper. Woo hoo! So I cranked up the radio and blasted Joni Mitchell for all the neighbors to enjoy. 🙂

You can tell that nobody here must have to go to work — cars have been sitting here since Sunday night and have a veritable shitload of snow on them. But I can’t blame these people — the ice was ridiculously difficult to budge this morning, more so than yesterday (it made a gorgeous crystal mosaic when I cracked it yesterday). Today, the ice was just being a bitch. Like me.

I really don’t even have to go into the office for more than a half-hour today, but I signed Angie and me up for a press thing at the International Spy Museum. My hope is that lunch, catered by Zola’s, will be Atkins-friendly. 🙂 Failing that, then I hope my car doors don’t freeze shut again during the event!