Oh, I LOVE this bumper sticker!
In which natural selection fails miserably
March 9th, 2004, 11:36 AM by GoddessSubtitle: Giving himself enough rope with which to ‘Hung’ himself
Big Willy Hung has titled his forthcoming album “The True Idol” — ironic given what a fucking joke he is. And who wants to hear him sing? Really? I mean, he should just get a video deal — that’s what we loved most about this blathering miscreant. It’s just a real shame when there are talented people out there gettin’ the shaft from Simon who really DO have a gift to give the world that isn’t like an envelope from the Unabomber.
(Link via Shawn.)
March 9th, 2004, 8:44 AM by GoddessWhy god WHY does everything at work require further discussion? I swear, we hold meetings simply for the sake of scheduling more meetings! I just got some paperwork back, along with a note telling me that this was not the proper channel to follow and all I had to do was send an e-mail. I have sent 9 e-mails with no action, so I formalized the fucking process. God motherfucking DAMN it do I HATE depending on other people!!!!!!!!!!
Feels like a Monday
March 9th, 2004, 7:11 AM by GoddessI’ve been up since 4 a.m. Don’t cross me today — I’m not a pleasant sight. I got up early yesterday and I guess it just kicked in again, only without the help of the alarm. Bah. Only one meeting today (I hope) — I hate Tuesdays. At some point this month, I would like to do my job instead of talking about it. I mean, jeez, I spend so much time preparing for, and recovering from, meetings (not to mention the time wasted in them!) that I told my boss I could produce a 300-page newspaper every month with the time I could have saved.
I’ve started keeping a private journal again — it’s nice to be away from the computer. Nothing compares to seeing blue ink in my crappy handwriting in my holographic blue spiral notebook with the silver stars on it. That way, I get to keep most of the madness to myself and not have y’all think I’m as crazy as I really am.
The “American Idol” Wild Card show is on tonight. Woo hoo! My annual tradition is to run a nice hot foot bath and chain-smoke and watch what is usually the besst round in the semi-finals. It’s the little things, ya know?