When name-calling isn’t swearing

May 5th, 2004, 9:35 PM by Goddess

Ah, the future of breakups

May 5th, 2004, 8:29 PM by Goddess

Ten percent of Brits dump their significant others via text messages. What’s next — Donald Trump IMing people, “You’re fired”?

Holy shit!

May 5th, 2004, 4:59 PM by Goddess

I just got an apology from Cruise Director for his trying to make an ass out of me in public recently. I guess I complained to the right person, ’cause he was in my office within a day. Of course, it started out as an excuse, like, “Well, I was only going to be in the meeting for a few minutes, and I was in a hurry and I guess I didn’t say it right, but it was really supposed to be a compliment.” Um hmm. Sure it was. I did get the apology and the compliment (behind closed doors, of course). I was kind of worried when he came into my office — I figured he’d heard me calling him Angry Butterfly, the way he manages to stomp and yet flit down the halls all at the same time. …


May 5th, 2004, 4:58 PM by Goddess

Tuesdays with Demure!TM

May 4th, 2004, 8:12 AM by Goddess

Actually, my day is off to a grand start, because Pussy Demure!TM called off today — we were scheduled to meet this morning, along with another party I invited, and she called in to advise me to just meet without her but be sure to fill her in on every excruciating detail … although she did have her secretary ask me to consider rescheduling the meeting because Demure’s input might be important. HAH — FAT FUCKING CHANCE!

In any event, the meeting shall go on today as scheduled (I have intelligent people coming). Hurrah! Not that I look forward to the follow-up meeting with Demure, but just knowing I don’t have to see her furry face today makes me a happy Dawn. For the first time in a long time, I feel happy — isn’t it sad how precious little it takes?

Attention "L Word" fans. …

May 3rd, 2004, 7:42 PM by Goddess

Did you hear that Karina Lombard (“Marina”) is likely not to return to Showtime’s “The L Word” next season? According to The L Word Online, if she does stay, then it may only be for two or three episodes. Sign the petition to save Karina and make sure she stays on the show!

I half-wonder if this, like the Jennifer Hudson/”American Idol” upset, is meant to attract drama. the Marina character’s storyline was just about to take off during the recent season finale. I understand contract negotiations are the culprit. In any event, if you want to see more naked Marina in soft-core girl-girl porn, sign the damn petition already!


May 2nd, 2004, 2:42 PM by Goddess

It’s friggin hot in the hacienda today. My rambunctious kitten Kadi tore out the screen door to the balcony so she could get a tan on the balcony while I was out this afternoon. So the little shit is sitting in her cage right now so that I can keep the door open until I get a new screen, whenever the apartment management decides that will happen.

Maddie is happily lying inside the open door right now — she knows she has it good here and has no desire to run screaming from our little abode. I hope, anyway. 😉

Sorry I’ve been off the earth for the past few weeks, kids. I’m in one of those moods where I will probably injure someone psychologically or physically without a moment’s thought, and it’s best if I just hibernate for the time being. Work has just been for absolute shit lately, and I’ve got the resume updated and ready to send to anywhere that won’t siphon my will to live. I’m not real keen on going back into the hell of job interviews and the standard claims to be perky and organized and a team player (y’all know I ain’t NONE of the above!), but I’ve reached the point of where I’ll crack if I don’t get out of my crazy routine and do something that is creative, challenging and personally satisfying (other than masturbation!).