Boo humbug

October 31st, 2004, 7:42 PM by Dawn

I’m sitting here in the dark while trick-or-treaters practically accost my front door, looking for treats that I do not have. Tricks, however, are available — I’m sure I’ve got one lying under the couch or in a drawer somewhere. … 😉 But my shirt is glow-in-the-dark, so I am just fine and not afraid of the boogey man. Heck, I’d probably open the door and leave a trail of crumbs if said boogey man were reasonably attractive!

Anyway, here’s my costume. Scary, huh? LOL. Happy Halloween!

On iTunes: Jewel, “Run 2 U”


October 31st, 2004, 7:30 PM by Dawn

Da Stillers have kicked the collective arses of the Patriots. Neener! 😉

Sandwiches containing french fries and cole slaw for everybody! A toast to the Ahrn City!!!

I remember when it was announced in the ‘Burgh that trick-or-treating would occur tonight. Many an outraged resident raised a fuss that this was unacceptable because our boys were playin’ at the same time. I, for one, am sitting in the house ignoring the kiddies who come a-knockin’, even though I am 250 miles away. 🙂


October 31st, 2004, 3:36 PM by Dawn

Oh, god, does this mean I’m a joiner? *gasp*

Official NaNoWriMo 2004 Participant

And, of course, that means I will definitely be a participant in the National Drunken Writing Night on Nov. 6!

I won’t be choosing to link to my writings, BTW. There are a couple of “special” people out there that you can thank for that. 😉 But I do welcome any encouragement, because I rarely do manage to finish anything I start!

In any event, I wrote novels as a kid, my first being at age 14. Complete and total trash and smut and stories about me wanting to grow up and be a rock star or a groupie or something. But I did plan a “grown-up” book series that I’ve just never gotten around to writing. I hope this is the start of something beautiful!

On iTunes: Taylor Dayne, “Naked Without You (Thunderpuss Mix)”

Another bumper story

October 30th, 2004, 10:55 PM by Dawn

I’d made a post to another blog on Sept. 14 about a highway encounter regarding my John Kerry bumper sticker (see the end of this entry for a re-post). I had another fun encounter today.

I was on the Beltway, merging into the left lane (damn left-hand exits!). Just as I was about to get over, a guy in a black convertible zipped by me, pointed at my Kerry bumper sticker and gave me an enthusiastic thumbs-up. I grinned and gave him the thumbs-up as well — I merged behind him and saw his Kerry gear, too! Yay, a fellow genius!!! 😉

Anyway, it made me feel good. And it reminded me of another feel-good story with, surprisingly, a non-Kerry supporter. And the story below sure beats the countless stories I can tell you of Shrub supporters pointing at my sticker, honking and giving me the finger! (Yes, you, in Breezewood, Pa., I saw that!!!).

Bumper story
Originally posted Sept. 14, 2004

I was driving to Annandale this morning to get my car fixed (brakes, tires, etc.), which I have been putting off for months. Finally, with travel looming, I decided today was the day.

Anyway, as I was driving along Little River Turnpike, a gentleman pulled up beside me a la the Grey Poupon commericals. He put down his window and said, “There’s something wrong with your car, honey.”

I looked at him quizically — what the hell else could be wrong with this two-year-old car?

“Someone went and put a Kerry bumper sticker on it!”

I laughed. “Imagine that!”

“Just thought you’d want to know about that — I didn’t think you’d actually want that on your car.”

We laughed and he speeded up as I made a right turn into the automotive place. He probably is a senator or representative or something like that, knowing this area of town. But I thoroughly enjoyed the moment, even if he is going to go and vote for Dubya and cancel out my vote! 😉


October 30th, 2004, 11:14 AM by Dawn

A lot of things have happened to me during the past few years. And I’ve always had a lot of coping mechanisms, in the form of vices. More than two years ago, when I moved to the D.C. area, I was into everything. Yes, everything. 😉

The other day, I was driving around Fairfax with some friends and it occurred to me: I have become boring. Oh my GOD, when did that happen!?!? I rarely drink alcohol anymore (maybe twice a month now), I’ve given up the overnight relationships in search of something real, and I don’t smoke anymore, either. Goodness, I’d rather have friends over for a cookout or go somewhere for a dinner party than actually get spiffed up to go clubbing! What has happened to me? I feel like I’ve aged 20 years in the past three.

One vice I am trying desperately to separate myself from is shopping. Mom is insistent that I need to land a gig as a personal assistant, so that I can always be shopping, even if I am taking nothing home for myself. She’s right. I have enough clothes to look different every day of the year, and I still look in my walk-in closet and say, “I have nothing to wear!”

I’m never happier than when I have an intended purchase in my hand. Seriously, that’s a rush that can suprass even the most illicit of drugs. I never did understand chemical dependence to the point that you don’t care what’s going on or what you look like. Same thing with depression. Sure, I get as moody as the next gal, but all you have to do is tell me that there is a sale happening within a 30-mile radius, and I’m in the car within 10 minutes!

I have loved, in my now-two months of non-employment, setting my own schedule. I’ve loved declaring it a bad mood day and just going window shopping till I felt better. I’ve loved being able to visit with friends who take vacation days so that we can hang out. I’ve loved being inspired late at night and just jumping on the computer and running with it.

What I haven’t loved, though, is my list of unacknowledged queries. I like-but-don’t-love hearing about all the great places my friends are traveling to, the fabulous restaurants they’re trying, the great new designer handbags they’re purchasing. Because, I hate to admit it, those are the same things that make me happy. I always loved being the one who was first to try everything — I loved being the one to recommend things to my friends, and I’d be off trying something new while they followed my lead. I love wearing whatever’s in the fashion catalogs (although, admittedly, I rarely paid the designer prices — I can make a knockoff outfit look just as fabulous as the real thing). And now that I finally have the time to write about those things, well, I’ve fallen behind in actually doing them to gather the experiences!

I keep telling myself that something incredible is on the near horizon. I just have this belief that, now that I’m rid of all the *bad* things I used to do, there will be great benefits to my health, my happiness, my heart. Sometimes, it’s hard to hold onto that hope, though, and I think that has been my downfall for so long. I once heard that you need to envision yourself where you want to be and not pay so much attention to where you are. I guess I need to quit seeing myself in Manhattan with a cigarette in one hand and a cosmo in the other, then. 😉 I need to see myself in an apartment where stuff doesn’t break all the time, in a city where the traffic isn’t suicide-inspiring, in a store buying everything I ever wanted, in a relationship that I actually want to be in, and in a job helping people and still profiting. I just wish I knew when all of this great stuff will happen!

On iTunes: The Zombies, “Time of the Season”

Cleanup in aisle 4

October 29th, 2004, 1:19 PM by Dawn

So my balcony looks like an aisle at Safeway, thanks to the dead fridge. I’ve got beer and condiments and tubs of dairy and frozen foods catching a chill outside.

I have cooked an untold variety of things, with more to go. And that was after I threw away two full bags of stuff that just wasn’t worth saving. I think I spent more money on ice than I have on fuel for the vehicle, despite the cheapest gas in my area being more than $2/gallon. Hooray.

Anyway, had a lovely airport run this morning. Some friends are escaping to N’Orleans for a Halloween extravaganza. I’m also on puss patrol for them for the next week, too. I think they like having a friend who not only lives near the airport but who’s also unemployed ’cause I will spend quality time with their cats and help them to not pay a small fortune to park at DCA. They’d rather give the money to me (whee!). Hell, I get to go to their house and watch cable. I should be the one paying them!!! 😉

Lip-sync: thanks to Ashlee ‘blame it on the band’ Simpson, it’s now an oxymoron

October 29th, 2004, 1:03 AM by Dawn

So I have a choice: Either watch Ashlee Simpson lip-sync her way through her appearance on “Jay Leno” or simply hang myself with a USB cord. I wish I could hang HER with the USB cord instead!!! Isn’t there anyone with the last name of Simpson who is normal?!?!

Hey kids! As if you weren’t a techno-geek enough, be sure to put the Ashlee Simpson Karaoke Edition iPod* on your wish list for Santa!

* Link via the adorkable Dave.

Dawn’s Diner Bar

October 28th, 2004, 11:38 PM by Dawn

Fuck the food; I’ve been more worried about my various bottles of bloody mary mix in the fridge that would surely spoil if I were not cognizant of this potential loss. Alas, I’ve been drinking for hours — I certainly couldn’t take a chance on the jalapeno-stuffed olives going bad! I have one more tall glass of Mary to consume (Pratt, cleanse that mind of yours NOW!!! LOL), and it’s time for bed. And, of course, I will be up bright and early in the morning to take some friends to the airport. Perhaps I should just stay up all night and make drinks with the sours mix that will otherwise have to be thrown away. … 😉 *hic*

Dinner at Dawn’s!

October 28th, 2004, 7:48 PM by Dawn
Yesterday I told you about how my fridge went snap, crackle, pop. In the comments, I made mention of how the maintenance guy said he’d come back someday to move the fridge and look at it.

Well, hooray, looks like I am going to be cooking up a storm tonight, because every item in my very-full freezer has thawed. Lucky me. I figured that with my sudden lack of livable income, I should stock up on food during this tough little time until I actually get a *real* income again. Hah. My bad.

I just talked to the one maintenance guy with a functioning brain, and he’s headed over here right now to take a look at it (UPDATE: Fridge is dead as a fucking doornail. Compressor blew out). I get a new fridge tomorrow, which will be lovely but I’d rather not have to be up being Betty Fucking Crocker and/or running out to buy ice by the metric ton.

So far, I’ve been here a year and had to get a new stove, get the dishwasher serviced and now possibly get a new fridge. And this is the second time I’ve lost all my food — last year, we lost power for seven days after Hurricane Isabel, and I’d had a full fridge then because I was freshly out of surgery and unable to get out of the house for awhile. I’m getting incredibly sick of my life being inconvenienced this way, but I guess I can’t complain because A) I don’t have to buy the new appliances and B) it’s not like I have rent money anyway, so I can pretend I’m just too angry to pay. 😉

But I won’t Google-bomb the management company the way Tiff likes to Google-bomb her slumlords. However, I’ve got a lot of ground meat and salmon just begging to go on the grill and be barbecued at midnight. Who’s up for an impromptu dinner party? 😉

On iTunes: Nancy Sinatra, “These Boots are Made for Walking”

Fun with personal ads: Craig’s List edition

October 28th, 2004, 11:11 AM by Dawn

A friend turned me on to the Best of Craig’s List, and let’s just say that this is the BEST of the best!

Girls, how annoying is it to receive messages/read posts from guys who claim they were put on this earth to park their faces between your thighs? Do you honestly believe them? These are the same fuckballs who claim they love “cuddling and long walks on the beach and romantic dinners” and, essentially, emasculating themselves. Hah. Then you meet them. 😉

“And, it might help restore my faith that God knew what he was doing when he gave men tongues in the first place to see a guy using it for something other than complaining about my driving or scarfing down cheeseburgers.”

For more than just a taste of the text, I urge you to go enjoy this lick — I mean, link!

On iTunes: Hooverphonic, “Renaissance Affair”