Horrible thought of the day

October 27th, 2004, 4:10 PM by Dawn

My television is so old that it’s almost time to put another one on top of it.

*ba DUM bum*

On a more serious note, I advise everyone out there to have a spare keyboard. Like, for when you’re a dumbass and spill Diet Coke on it and the fucker won’t WORK anymore.

< / public service announcement >

Oh, and the day just gets better and better. My fridge smells like it’s on fire. And my kitchen sink quit working. So I called maintenance. Sink’s fixed, and he swears I’m hallucinating about the fog of carbon monoxide in my dining room. The cats are literally parked at the fridge, listening it to it crackle and creak, and Kadi’s trying to atack it before it bursts into flames. How cute. 🙂

And where the hell is my UPS man?!?!

On iTunes: Olive, “You’re Not Alone (remixed by ATB)”