Pompous and circumstance

January 20th, 2005, 11:29 PM by Dawn

Watching Shrubya vow to protect the Constitution (on the 11 p.m. news) is wildly funny to me. I’m sure he also reserves the right to whack off to two girls getting it on, but if those two girls want to get married, then that means wasting more dollars pushing more useless legislation. Like Bill says, words mean what we want them to.

Unrelated, I got an invitation to join a conservative group. HAH. Bloody fucking HAH. Not to say I’ve never voted conservatively, because I sure have. But not this time ’round, and I’m pretty touchy right now about what this country could and should be doing for its own people, and not just the more fortunate ones. And I just don’t look good in a bowtie. 😉

In better news, I was listening to Elliot this morning, and he mentioned that Jon Stewart’s name is being kicked around to replace Dan Rather on CBS. Is this for real? I grinned for miles after I heard that! Elliot said that if CBS is going to release fake news, then at least they’d have an anchor to inject the humor in the broadcast. 😀

On iTunes: Bunch of Drunken Irishmen, “Fuck You I’m Drunk”


January 20th, 2005, 8:38 PM by Dawn

To put it delicately, I am now paid to do several things that I previously either got into trouble for doing or was never allowed to do in the first place. Hah! Amazing when people give you things and want to see how far you will run with them and how brilliantly you will execute them. This was worth the wait, friends. I may not have enough gas money to get there till payday, but I’ll worry about that another day.

And if you’re reading this when you have no business doing so, then suck it. 🙂 It’s been time to say goodbye for some time now, eh? I can tell you don’t bookmark the site. And that’s Goddess with a CAPTIAL G when you’re searching every day for the same site, thank you very much!

On iTunes: Lucy Woodward, “Standing”

Point taken

January 20th, 2005, 5:50 AM by Dawn


I have it on pretty good authority that yesterday, the D.C. streets were a sheet of ice. (I could probably start a great contest to see who among us had the longest commute home last night!) In any event, I was asking someone why the streets couldn’t be salted — after all, the entire country is run from this little corner of the world. She pointed out that when the city has to cough up money for stupid things like an inauguration, where praytell are we going to find money for salt?

As an aside: speaking of stuck without a paddle, Jib Jab made us a nice inauguration cartoon.


Via Kukini, some fantastic Letters to Bush. And no, they’re not overtly political in nature. Rather enjoyable read, I say. 🙂

On iTunes: Sugarbabes, “Hole in the Head”