Factoids o’plenty

October 24th, 2005, 8:07 PM by Goddess

Saw this over at Joelle’s:

  • Name someone with the same birthday as you.

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson — May 25.

    1803 for him, and *mumblemumble* for me.

  • Where was your first kiss?

  • It was on my. …

    Oh, you mean where was I at?

    Second grade, in a classroom during a stupid film about animals or some crap like that. I so totally got thrown out of the classroom. It was brilliant. 🙂

  • Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else’s property?

  • No, but I stood by and witnessed it once. I felt really bad, because no matter how much of a shit the victim was, I should have been above being a participant.

  • Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?

  • Only upon request. 😉

    If I’m really comfortable with someone, I’ll touch or whack them playfully during conversation. It’s my weird way of connecting with them.

    I don’t hit in anger, though. I don’t want it done to me and refuse to implement a double-standard.

  • Have you ever sang in front of a large number of people?

  • That’s why the good lord invented karaoke, so assholes like me can be shown exactly why we weren’t meant to be rock stars.

    I was in some middle-school productions as a member of the chorus. Frightening.

  • What’s the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?

  • Their hands. I am big on grooming, and well-kept nails and skin make me tingle. Because there’s always that “next step” in one’s imagination about what those hands and fingers can do when taken to task. … 😉

  • What really turns you on?

  • Conversation. Laughter. Persistence. Brilliance. Depth. The element of surprise, particularly because I am always on guard.

  • What do you order at Starbucks?

  • Normally, just a grande or a venti regular. *snooze*

    But around the holidays, I am addicted to the gingerbread lattes.

  • What is your biggest mistake?

  • Jesus H, I have to pick only one?!?!

    Screwing up my finances. That perm in fourth grade. Those late-night threesomes with Ben & Jerry — all of them. Giving up those freelance opportunities because I want my “me” time when I come home. Not going to Sarah Lawrence — not finding a way to afford it, rather.

  • Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?

  • Yes.

  • Say something totally random about yourself.

  • I’m shy. *bwahahaha*

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