I swear I don’t make this stuff up

October 14th, 2005, 8:57 PM by Goddess

Mom went to the doctor the other day — she hasn’t been to one in a hundred years, so she’s rusty, to say the least.

She’s also blonde.

She was telling me about the difficulties she was having, trying to crawl up on the examining table — she was totally confused. I still don’t understand why, but OK, she’s Mom. I know not to question these things. 😉

And maybe I do have a bit of her psychic ability, because when she told me she was given a gown to wear, I said, “Mom, please say you put the opening in the BACK.”


*hysterical laughter*

“Why didn’t you TELL me that BEFORE the appointment?!?!”

Apparently the doctor walked in and wondered what exactly she was SMOKING before she came in to the appointment. 🙂 Her friend had also advised her not to wear scandalous underwear, which she did anyway, and the Good Doctor got a nice view of that, too. Which he appreciated.

One other story: Mom never goes to the doctor (it’s a lack-of-coverage thing, as sainthood — i.e., caring for elderly parents — doesn’t earn you any care of your own). The only time she ever crosses a physician’s path is when she’s dating one. Which the Good Doctor was NOT trying to discern when he asked:

“Are you seeing any other doctors professionally?” (i.e., for other problems.)

To which, she said:

“Nope, but I’m seeing one rather unprofessionally!”

Scared the hell outta him.

She makes me so proud. 😉

Filed under: Sometimes I can’t figure out how we’re related. Other times, how could there ever be any doubt?

A rose by any other name

October 12th, 2005, 8:13 AM by Goddess

I’ve been on this quest for some new perfume. Not like I don’t own enough, mind you, but I’m a believer in “spicing up” my life, so to speak.

I guess I should start this off by admitting that I was in the perfume department of a major retailer recently, stalking my ever-elusive Yohji Yamamoto for women (not the Yohji Essential, just his plain old signature scent), when I decided that maybe I need to give up the ghost and try something new.

There are some things that should never be done “on the cheap” — my grandmother was insistent that a woman must own gorgeous designer fragrances and that there are different types of scents to have on hand for different types of occasions (day events, night events, stay-at-home events, etc.). And, alas, nothing feels more delicious than pampering oneself with some wildly expensive and oh-so-sensual scents.


First of all, ladies, when shopping for cologne, I’m going to give you a tip — carry a small bag of coffee beans with you. A lot of these places sell Godiva chocolates, too, which means they also sell the coffee line — I insist that you snag a bag for the journey.

Why? Because after awhile, everything starts to smell alike. The coffee beans/grounds will clear your mind. Hell, I even told the salesgirls to just park the damned Godiva display next to the perfume tester areas — customers would thank them. Although perhaps they’d lose sales, as I think the coffee smells WAY better than some of the cheap-hooker perfumes that these huge designers are cranking out by the gallon.


Case in point: “Curious” by Britney Spears and Paris Hilton’s “Trailer Trash-O-Rama.” Well, that isn’t its real name, but bear with me here.

I was sniffing Sarah Jessica Parker’s “Lovely,” which is actually very nice and on my consideration list. It hints at my all-time favorite and even signature scent — “Romance” by Ralph Lauren — so I’m definitely into it.

But the salesgirl thought I was looking at the Paris fragrance and asked if I liked it. I laughed in her face and told her it reeked of a brothel.

She wasn’t impressed with me at all. 🙂

I refrained from further bashing celebrity scents, although Amalah’s prediction that a perfume by Tara Reid would reek of chlamydia and condoms did pop into my head right at that very moment. 😉

Unrelated, I’ve seen “Curious” repackaged in tinier vials and merchandised in Claire’s and other low-end jewelry stores. I suppose everyone finally got the message that women my age and older are NOT going to be buying it (count me OUT if it means I will be attracted to/by a Kevin Federline-type), so let the kiddies smell like their favorite pop princess. Ugh, but oh well.


Fragrances invoke memories, that’s a given. But lately, I threw out a bunch of perfumes, lotions and the like because their scents were transporting me back in time to an era that doesn’t exactly bring me joy to recall. For instance, much as I loved the “Moonlight Path” line from Bath and Body Works, I can never smell it again — reminds me of sad and desperate times.

After the salesgirl realized my tastes are far superior to the Paris scent, she took me to the best of the best, whereupon I Fell. In. Love. with a scent. I can’t actually name it because I know a male blogreader who wears it (while I love men’s cologne and occasionally buy it for myself, this was in fact the feminine version) and we ain’t tryin’ to get into trouble here. 🙂

In any event, I actually let her test it *on* me , and I walked through the mall, sniffing myself for hours and loving it more and more as it got to breathe, so I know I love this cologne.

BUT. …

The problem being, of course, when you associate fragrances with memories. This includes and is not limited to what you think of the persons it reminds you of.


The problem is that the scent reminds me of someone who is, well, an assclown. And who wants to smell like a horse’s ass?


Wouldn’t it be my absolute luck to fall in love with a fragrance that would serve as a daily reminder of someone whom I’d love to forget?

Reader Poll Monday

October 11th, 2005, 8:33 AM by Goddess

Hey, it’s Tuesday. In my world, that’s what we’d call “on time.” 😉

Thanks Sherri, for the questions!

  • What’s the most embarrassing thing in your bedroom?
  • I’m hardly ashamed of the suitcase full of — ahem — accoutrements. You know, dozens of toys, lotions, potions and other stuff like that. And the red feather boa — do not disrespect the glitter. 😉

    I am mortified that, no matter how many loads of laundry I do, I seemingly cannot make a dent in Laundry Mountain.

  • What was the first concert you ever attended?
  • Hah — two in a row. Motley Crue and Bon Jovi, back-to-back nights. I remember camping outside of the record store with my mom, back when I was in middle school. Of course, mom was younger than I am now, so it was cool.

    I got pneumonia waiting in line during those cold, wet nights — I was so sick for so long that I almost didn’t get to go to the shows, which were at least a month later. But I did and I was totally a high-haired rocker chick from the get-go. 😉

  • Have you ever had food poisoning? From what?
  • I ate at the Wendy’s in Van Dorn Station about a year and a half ago and got deathly ill. I’d gotten the spicy chicken sandwich — I was on deadline and was close to pulling an all-nighter, so I’d opted for that for sustenance. Holy crap, I was throwing up for the next 12 hours — I lost at least five pounds that very evening.

    Perhaps I should start eating there again, incompetent servers and all. I think that was the one order (in my three-plus years of going there) that they’d ever gotten right. Bleah.

  • Describe your favorite pair of jeans.
  • They are atop Laundry Mountain right now — I’d worn ’em on Saturday when Ted and I went museum-hopping in D.C.

    They’re stonewashed (sort of a lighter blue) and boot-cut. They are a twee bit long for me, as I am 5’4″ and that’s just-too-tall for petite length. I have to buy average-length jeans, else they become floods.

    Average-length jeans, though, drag on the ground, so I have to wear shoes with heels so I don’t get them soaked. Although, as we just got six inches of rain this weekend, staying dry? Not fucking possible.

    Anyway, I love those jeans. Nothing special about them — just comfy and soft. Yes, Erica, I’m not kidding about my adoration of denim. 😉

  • What’s your favorite daytime TV show to watch?
  • At my old job, I worked offsite two days a month, which involved me snoozing in front of a TV for about four hours. I miss Ellen DeGeneres most, although Maury Povich and his let’s-do-47-paternity-tests shows rocked socks — I love trailer trash!

  • Do you own a drill?
  • Did I not already tell you of my suitcase full of toys?

    Oh, you mean the kind you plug into a wall and demolish plaster with? Heh. Not yet, but I do need one. Else I need a very handy, hot male who will come over and thrust his bits around where I need them most.


    *fanning self*

    Volunteers to come and drill some holes in for me? 😉

  • What is your favorite meal to eat?
  • Mom makes fantastic lasagna, complete with homemade mini-meatballs. God, I haven’t had that in years.

  • What is your favorite meal to prepare?
  • Enh. I hate cooking for one, as I have Italian blood and am automatically programmed to cook for 20 and that equals lots of leftovers. You can only eat something so many days/meals in a row before you never want to face it again.

    I prefer to make appetizers and desserts — finger foods, individual portions, etc. I do taco rings and quesadillas and cheesy horseradish dips and spinach/salmon dips and cocktail weenies in crescents and fondues and crap like that.

  • When was the last time you grinned from ear to ear? Why?
  • Yesterday. I smiled a lot, actually. Life is very good right now, and I am a lucky, lucky girl.

    I’ll tell you about a grand giggle I got Sunday. My mom watches this one TV program for this celebrity that I happen to know in person. Anyway, she’s got the hots for him and is probably throwing her underwear at the TV screen, if I know her. She may still be in them, as far as I know. 😉

    In any event, she loves his upbeat personality and suggested to me, “I’ll bet he’d giggle while he’s being sucked off — don’t you think?”

    I kept a straight face for a good 20 minutes before I realized that my mom. Said this. About that person. And what would our mutual acquaintances say if they’d heard that? LOL. Well, if they read this blog, I guess the secret is out. 😉

  • Ask me something.
  • Favorite museum to spend a whole day?

    If only Mondays pass as quickly as the weekends seem to

    October 10th, 2005, 8:32 PM by Goddess

    Actually, I take that back — I had the Best. Day. Ever. And what’s weird was that it wasn’t a specific event or achievement or conversation that made it that way (although, those did factor in pretty heavily).

    I’m pretty sure, though, that it was the fact that I stepped into an old costume today, that being of the *Dawn* I used to be. It needs a few alterations, of course, but it feels fuzzy and warm and has such a familiar, lightly perfumed scent that I’d forgotten that I’d left behind.

    Yes, today was “Sassy Dawn” Day.

    God, I’ve missed her.

    In my head, I’ve been strutting like John Travolta in “Staying Alive.” Now, to just pick MY theme music!


    I give Ted full credit for beating my spirit back into me (literally — LOL) this weekend. I have spent the last year (and probably a hell of a lot longer) as a mere apparition of my true self, and so few people were able to either remember the fearless chick I used to be or see past the facade-of-the-day that I put up to disguise myself … to the point that I barely remembered what I was hiding, as I seemed to be in hiding all the damned time.

    I give props to Ted (and some others — you know who you are) in my life for not taking me at face value — for letting me stop talking if that’s what I want to do, yet for not allowing me to stay silent or to let my random utterings go unqualified. And for just listening, damn it — for letting me bleed the wounds so they can just heal already.

    It’s not that I’ve written off my thoughts as unimportant — for the past year (and yes, maybe more), I’ve written myself off as unimportant.

    That shit? Stops NOW.

    I had one of those weekends and one of those days today in which I simply let go and had fun. I wasn’t on guard, wondering who was judging what I had to say and who was watching my reactions to everything. I said exactly everything at the moment it occurred to me, and I did it unfiltered.

    I felt do damned liberated that I’d’a burned my bra, had I actually been wearing one. 😉

    In any event. …


    We went to the Hirschhorn and to the Freer and Sackler Galleries. My favorite place in the entire world (that’s indoors) is the Hirschhorn, which is filled with contemporary paintings and sculpture.

    I am not an art junkie, admittedly. My scope of beauty stems from whether the work pleases me aesthetically — that is what makes it art, in my view. It needs to be living, breathing and inciting me to want to run out and create something of my very own.

    There are two kinds of art I love — impressionism and postmodernism. My passion in contemporary works is for paintings and graphics and sculptures that look like they could have been created rather easily today, but then you look at the little sign next to them and see that they’re 80 years old and you say, “Damn.” That’s all — just damn. That’s visionary.

    One of my (myriad) quirks is that I MUST stop and read the sign next to every piece of art. I need to know who did it, what they called it, what they made it from, and any other extraneous detail that the curator chose to share.

    I do this because I can see the love and effort that went into crafting each piece, and even if it doesn’t aesthetically please me, I want to get some sort of insight into it.

    That’s why I wish we would be able to touch the works. I know, the oils from our hands (and the destructiveness of some people) would damage these irreplaceable treasures. But I almost wonder if I could somehow channel the muse that inspired each work — or, maybe, I could get inside the artists’ heads, by touching the same materials that they molded so wonderfully.

    I was at the Carnegie art museum in Pittsburgh a million years ago, bumming around and killing time, when I stumbled upon the Impressionist wing. And I felt electrified.

    It was very strange — I walked up to each and every work and knew who had done it without even looking at the signs. I was somehow possessed, or at least in some otherworldly dimension, as I breathed such names as Degas, Renoir, Rodin, Cezanne and Matisse.

    Now sure, anyone with half an IQ point knows a Monet. But the rest? Where the hell did that COME from?

    If you believe in past lives, I sort of came into my own at that moment and realized I may very well have lived during that era. I speak French pretty well (I learned it for five years, duh) and have always had a passion for that region — I don’t feel like this life will be complete if I don’t get my happy ass to France to see if that electrifying feeling that I experienced in the hallowed halls of the Carnegie weren’t just an indicator that I have some connection to that time.

    I promise, I don’t just want to go so I can stalk Johnny Depp. Although if I happen to turn up in one of his trash cans, don’t be surprised.

    Until then. …


    There were three pieces at the Hirshhorn that struck me. One, I can’t locate in the online collection, but the other two are Diana and Patty.

    Patty is just fucking disturbing, yet I spent a good half-hour with her, including the time I was looking over my shoulder as we moved away from that sculpture. It’s a naked, pregnant girl on a bed with a tiny headboard yet a bigger footboard. There is a photo of a baby on the wall and a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water on the nightstand.

    Patty has a shaped, plaster body, but her head is a glass portrait of someone’s profile. She was literally staring into a brightly lit headlight. If you go around the wall with the headlight (the wall has trunk handles. Bizarre), you see five fists, each of which is holding a cross of some sort. Ted and I pondered that one for a long time, and the proximity sensors kept sounding off as I kept trying to step into the scene to uncover more details. Morbid, grotesque and goddamned magnificent, all told.

    Diana (not safe for work, kids) spoke to me — the real me. She’s naked and crossing her arms, her hands on her shoulders. I’d thought it was a photograph, the lines were so crisp from across the room. But, alas, she is a portrait, and a beautifully done one at that, down to her not-so-attractive feet and yet to the curve of her biceps and, well, to the exquisite detail of her girly bits.

    I fell in love with her expression, her stance, her guardedness. Naked from the waist down yet crossing her arms over her heart. She reminded me of someone I used to be many moons ago — her aura emanated, “You can fuck me but I won’t let you love me.”


    It’s amazing how I can feel so damned alive looking at works by artists who may have passed, of subjects who may no longer exist — if ever they even did. And so, I may not be able to touch the works, but I feel them.

    And it kind of kicked me in the ass that my existence is not a still life. Nor was it ever meant to be. Nor, then, shall it continue to be.

    Damn it. 😉

    One thing that those of you who are not fortunate enough to know Ted would adore about him is not just how smart he is, but how he is committed to setting an example. He teaches me to expect a certain level of regard from others. I am simply not allowed to merely accept anything less than what I would (right now) consider a royal treatment but what I *should* consider as business as usual.

    From opening doors to every other possible courtesy, he let me know that he will break my arm if I try to do for myself what someone else should be doing for me. 😉

    And when a girl’s never had somebody treat her so well, it’s an eye-opener that it’s not wrong to want to be worshipped. 😉 As a dear friend, he’s setting a supremely high standard for people who may come into my life.

    For me, it also shows me that I unfairly and oftentimes unnecessarily beat myself up — I need to command respect from myself just as much as from others. The old Dawn used to be that way — the old Dawn knew how to illuminate the world, true to her name.

    The old Dawn has re-awakened. It’s time for the season of darkness to go away and for the season of light to start burning again.

    Thank you — to all of you — for having faith that this day would, in fact, arrive. Again.

    Wet T-shirt contest, anyone?

    October 7th, 2005, 9:07 PM by Goddess

    Flash flood watch for Washington, D.C., tonight. Thus, let’s put the “flash” in flash flood and declare a metro-wide wet T-shirt contest! I’ll go first, as my white shirt got christened in the rain. Yay. 😉

    Turn me on, turn me off

    October 7th, 2005, 8:16 AM by Goddess

    But first, because I’d promised Erica an MP3, here’s an upbeat little ditty to kick off your Friday. Enjoy!

    Erica had asked me a question, and rather than depleting her bandwidth, I’m answering it here: Read the rest of this entry »

    Mission Condition: Impossible

    October 6th, 2005, 1:29 PM by Goddess

    Katie Holmes is pregnant?!?! Aren’t we taking this fag hag thing to the extreme a bit?

    Kadi 2: Biped 0

    October 6th, 2005, 8:24 AM by Goddess

    This entry probably belongs on Maddie’s page, but we could use some light reading over here, and Kadi’s antics can provide just that kind of amusement for you at my expense. 😉

    Some days, I feel like Jon’s character with his Garfield and Odie. Else I am Tom and Jerry’s owner. Either way, for as much as my pets hate each other, they love to collaborate to foil me, time and again.

    Shining example:

    I let the girls hang out on our second-floor balcony all the time. Mostly it’s because Maddie has a shit fetish and likes to drag her butt all around the house, sending me morse-code-type messages to buy new food or scoop the box or something like that. As I am often in olfactory hell, I like to have the windows/doors open to air out the place. (Note that I have eight — EIGHT — plug-in air fresheners and four cans of Febreze Air Effects.) Thus, the kids play outside.

    They love it.

    Kadi, however, is not a pure housecat like Maddie. At least one of Kadi’s parents was feral, which means that I cannot fully break her of her wild ways and turn her into a domestic priss like her big sister, who couldn’t give a shit (ha! pun!) about anything other than flopping on her back and snoozing the day away.

    That said, Kadi loves bugs. Bugs, bugs, bugs. She catches ’em, kills ’em and brings ’em to Mommy. Which would be me. Ewww.

    I don’t have a problem with dead bugs — that’s the way I like them. And that’s why the good lord invented the dustbuster — for when my proud child likes to bring in her treasures.

    In any event, Maddie is one furry motherfucker and she pukes all the goddamned time because she is always full-o-hairballs. So I am very strict about what she eats because I was not born to scrub carpets (although, in my house, you’d never know that!).

    That said, I saw Maddie sitting inside the sliding-glass door last night, chewing on something. As I had fed them dinner long ago and it was NOT anything she could hold between her paws, I got suspicious. I went up to her, and she freaked out and thumped her plus-sized puss ass behind one of my chairs.

    The kid’s almost 10 years old and is 20 pounds — seriously, I don’t have to make much of an effort to catch her. Usually, anyway.

    So I went to get a better look at what was in her mouth (a big old BUG) and I decided to lunge for it and extract it from her. But in a RARE burst of energy, she hightailed it under the dining room table, en route to the bedroom.

    What would normally have been a clear shot at catching her was FOILED by her sister Kadi, who is lightning-fast and also who managed to jump onto the glass (*sigh*) dining-room table. This is where Kadi expertly and deftly knocked a bottle of Febreze onto the floor … AT MY FEET … at exactly the moment I was about to grab her big sister.

    Yes, I fell ass over teacups because my baby cat somehow threw an obstacle at my feet to prevent me from catching my fat cat.

    Oh, the humanity.

    I wasn’t injured — I am klutzy and fall all the time, so I have gotten pretty graceful about catching myself throughout the years. I thought it was pretty funny, actually — until Kadi came up to check on me and decided to flatulate in my face.

    The End. (In more ways than one!)

    Hysteria Lane

    October 5th, 2005, 9:28 PM by Goddess

    Tonight was one of those nights that, if I had $4 to rub together, I’d have probably bought a pack of cigarettes.

    Yay poverty. 😉

    I am typing through the throes of the world’s worst migraine, the likes of which shouldn’t be legal. It’ll be OK — my head’s jammed full of thoughts right now. I’m sure it’ll empty itself out soon enough.

    That said, I feel like my life has gone from a hybrid of “Sex and the City” meets “Seinfeld” to a montage that includes “Desperate Housewives.” There are four of us in my immediate circle who are simply at the mercy of men sometimes — we’re all like Marcia Cross’ “Bree” character, waiting for our husband to come home from the hooker and throw us a bone. And the bone, when it comes (heh) is usually served up with a side dish of flaming dog poop. Which, of course, we have to clean up and dispose of. 😉

    And it makes me wonder, were I a prettier girl (per society’s standards) or were I not a little bit sensitive thanks to some events from my past, would I have an easier time of things. Read the rest of this entry »

    Calgon, take me away … preferably to the West Coast

    October 5th, 2005, 1:13 PM by Goddess

    I am at that point in my day when I don’t know whether I will be able to escape at a somewhat-reasonable hour or something not quite that good (my guess is the latter). The thing is, there is a public meeting in my neighborhood tonight to discuss the forced gentrification impending evictions in my complex.

    As I surprisingly did NOT get my walking papers (yet), I really hope to get there to find out WTF is up. Hey, I’m happy to remain in my all-utilities-paid (*whew*) pad as far into the winter months as humanly possible, but I’m sort of also of the attitude of shit-or-get-off-the-pot already — give me a resolution, a target date, anything. I don’t work well without deadlines.

    In somewhat-good news (is it possible?), I have a working escape planned for December, and I talked to my best friend about possibly stopping afterward to see her and her family on the West Coast while I’m out that way, anyway. As I will already have to miss Bon Jovi’s appearance in Washington, D.C., in mid-December at the MCI Arena anyway (*sob*), I might as well find a suitable place to mourn missing the cheesecake that is Jon Bon Jovi. (*drool*)

    Yeah, I know, I KNOW I need to be saving money for my move, but maybe this is my spirit guide’s way of intervening and giving me an opportunity to go see my friend so I can gather strength for everything that lies ahead. I was there last year at this time (mmm, Oregon Coast), and seeing Bayou’s photos reminded me that it’s high time to infuse some beauty into my brain again.

    And it would be great to visit there again, but this time knowing that I have a life to which I can return. Leaving there the first time was so hard because I didn’t know A) When I’d get back or B) What the hell I was going to do with myself when I returned to D.C. But this year, I know I can go out there and truly savor the experience (and meet my new nephew!), all the while being able to relax because there’s finally a life waiting here for me again.

    And I know once I’ve gotten some rest and some distance, I’ll be able to infuse the energy and passion that I will surely generate while I’m away back into my everyday existence to make it twice as enjoyable.

    Counting the days. …

    On iTunes: Bon Jovi, “I Am”