
November 2nd, 2005, 9:46 PM by Goddess

I JUST hit yesterday’s word count for my NaNoWrimo fiasco project.

Just got home and snarfed down some crap food for sustenance. It’s now 8:45 p.m. Eastern and I’ve got 1,700 words to write. But first, I need to figure out WTF to write.

I’m so happy, I could just shit.


November 2nd, 2005, 9:17 AM by Goddess

I wrote the prologue of my NaNo novel. I like to believe I’m brilliant under pressure, but I may be reconsidering that line of thinking.

It’s cool, in a way, though. I never finished last year’s novel, so I decided to pick up with the same characters, but a year down the road. And while I suck at plot development, I am better-than-mediocre at exposition. So, right now, I get to encapsulate all the shit I was supposed to put my characters through, but in just a few paragraphs. Muse help me when I have to start writing real action scenes.

1,000 words and counting. And trying to find the time for this? A way bigger challenge than writing coherent, cohesive thoughts.

I echo the thoughts of one of my writing buddies: “It’s gonna be a long month.”