I’m happy to report that my commenting function is back (yay Tiff for calling it that by blacklisting one single solitary thing in the comments queue, absolutely everyone else got silenced). So, make some noise, if you’re so inclined — I’ve missed you!
But what I’m thrilled about is that I’m packing to go to the airport right now on some super top-secret (not really) mission that includes fresh air, high altitudes and a $200 facial. And no, not that kind. 😉 Although, as one of my friends put it, for that kind of money, there’d better be SOME sort of happy ending. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
In any event, I’m also happy to be breaking in my new suitcase (a $300 wonder that I got for $109. Yay J.C. Penney!), but this is one of those moments in which I wished it didn’t require so much material per item of clothing to cover my ass so that I could possibly pack more. 🙂
Till we meet again, here’s some (I think) appropriate tunage: