
January 29th, 2006, 10:38 PM by Goddess

I am in the throes of orgasm watching “Grey’s Anatomy,” as I am apt to do every Sunday at 10 p.m. EST, and holy crap. I predicted where Izzie’s storyline was going because, gee, it’s nearly identical to the book I wrote in November for National Novel Writing Month.

Glad to know my idea didn’t totally suck. And that, well, I had it first. 😉


OK, were my glasses the only ones that fogged up from crying? Jesus H, I heard three bars of Kendall Payne (“Scratch”), and I was long gone. Right-click to download and enjoy.


January 29th, 2006, 8:01 PM by Goddess

I have had one of those weeks in which I have been busy and definitely put in some looong hours, but I don’t feel like I have a friggin’ thing to show for it. *pfft*


Bon Jovi is in town this week. On a freaking work night. *sigh*

There is seriously nothing that makes me happier than Bon Jovi music. I mean, I am psychotically addicted to it. And I have never missed a show of theirs — whenever they come to town, I’m so there. I missed their Dec. 17 show at the MCI Center because I was in Vegas, but I figured I’d catch this show. But then money crises came one after the other and are still in progress, and blah blah blah whineycakes, I never got a ticket.

So today, I said fuck the phone bill — I need a Jon Bon Jovi fix. I’m depressed, damn it!

Alas, I debated about spending the $98 a seat, plus $12.50 Ticketmaster fee PLUS the $4 fee to have my ticket e-mailed to me, and I thought about the best-case scenario of rushing out at what other folks would call “on time” and then what traffic would be like at that time and whether I could go home and park at my local Metro station and take the Metro to MCI center and still actually *see* the concert.

But alas, lest I get called a whiny, sniveling bitch again on my own website, I’ll do the rest of my whining behind the “more” tab.

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