Some days …

February 3rd, 2006, 2:43 PM by Goddess

… you need a Midol, even when it’s not “that time.” (“That time” clearly translating into hellfire, brimstone and destruction. Which, based on my history, can also be called “February.”)

I just went from having a migraine to dancing around my office. Midol is my crack rock, I tell you. If it’s ever made illegal, the gubmint had better build more prisons. 😉

D.C. Blogmeet Saturday

February 3rd, 2006, 4:58 AM by Goddess

Several of us are getting together tomorrow (Saturday) evening to wreak havoc talk shop about our plans for world domination.

Drop me a comment if you want the details and if we can reserve a seat for you (locale is Metro-friendly). Or as one participant e-mailed, “Me and my shadow will be there. My shadow doesn’t need a seat, though the voices in my head might insist on a separate table.”

Yeah, this is a fun group like that. 😉