ISO my ‘Lloyd Dobbler’

February 14th, 2006, 2:28 PM by Goddess

The blogosphere is full of the same, tired crap this Valentine’s Day. There are two camps spewing the same, unoriginal bullshit.

In one corner, we have the happy! in love! we celebrate our union daily! and this holiday is wonderful! camp. Then we have the it’s a Hallmark holiday! meant to torture singletons! I’m going to wear black! where’s the half-off candy bin? group.

In the interest of full disclosure, count me in the second group. But I don’t want to be. So hand over the candy and no one gets hurt. 😉

In a high-school anthropology class, the instructor gave us a brilliant magazine article called “You don’t bring me flowers.” It was an opinion piece, written by someone who abhors the holiday about as much as getting a root canal done, about how absolutely stupid it is to send and receive flowers. But, he concluded, maybe he wouldn’t mind the flower thing so much if someone would actually SEND him some.


You know why I hate the holiday? Because nobody gives a shit if I have a good one. Period.

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