You smell like a zoo …
My baby turns 10 years old today. *sniffle*
On April 2, 1996, my Maddie came into the world. Here are her baby pictures, taken June 6, 1996, when she came from the pet store. Ironically, I celebrate my younger cat’s birthday on June 6, although she came around seven years later.

Despite the fact that your website is called “I Crap in a Box” and you crap everywhere BUT, you’re my best friend in the world and I love being your mom. Happy birthday, Madeline!
April 2nd, 2006 at 8:56 PM
How weird & cool, 2 of my cats – Puff & Powder (both calicos) and sisters, were born 8 years ago yesterday – in a barn, we adopted them as “wild childs.” (I have a total of 4), but the Calicos were the “original kids.” I adore Maddie’s blog and always consider it a lucky day when ~she~ has posted. Please give both Maddie and Kadie a smooch from all of us here is Kansas City, MO. And for anyone else reading this – SPAY AND NEUTER!!!!
April 5th, 2006 at 9:49 AM
She’s darling. 🙂 I love my kitty, too, but she’s only 8. I can track her age because she was 2 months old when we got her, a month before my son’s birth. 🙂