Back in love

April 14th, 2006, 12:19 PM by Goddess

First I was in love. Then I wasn’t. Now, I’m OK with being “just friends” with my new newER apartment.

Yes, I got ANOTHER apartment since yesterday.

But first, tunage. Because I Can’t. Get. This. Song. Out. Of. My. HEAD.


OK, back to the story. Last installment of this saga, I had no car. The sad part? I heard it being towed around 2 a.m. I woke up and thought, “Wow — that sounds close, like where I parked my car. Oh, well. SUCKERS!” and yelled from my bed, “SHUT UUPPPP!” to the noisy-ass towing company. Whereupon I promptly flopped back over and snoozed away happily.


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The ‘ho got towed

April 14th, 2006, 6:40 AM by Goddess


Happy good fucking friday to you.

I awakened to MY CAR BEING MISSING!!!!!

I went to put some stuff in it in preparation of going to work sometime today.

But guess what? It was gone.

I called the police and they said Dominion Towing took it.

The FUCK??!?!

So I called Dominion Towing — who promptly told me that it had been towed because my inspection sticker had expired.


I explained to the girl that I am moving to D.C. RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW — and I am going to get legal in D.C. instead of paying to be legal here for a week.

Well, apparently I will keep getting towed until I get legal.

Fuck you CURRENT APARTMENT COMPLEX for turning me in!


So, that’s $100 for the tow, lord knows what for the CAB RIDE and then another $75 for inspection/emissions.

Only to have to go register my car in the District next month. Sweet Jesus.

And, to boot, as I do not have Maddie’s rabies tag and the new apartment building needs it, I have to go get the brat’s shots updated right now or else I can’t move in. Cat vet bills always top $200 for shots in my world. I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it.

Forget eating meat today — I’m going to just go smoke some crack.
