Faith infusion

April 16th, 2006, 8:04 AM by Goddess

If not for this time of year, I have no clue when Easter Catholics like me would ever get to church. 😉

I went to awesome services last night to support a dear person, and my joke is that by going to church, I’m saved for at least another year. *whew*

I was kind of scared when the lights were turned off and the exits were blocked before the service began. Heh — did they know I was poised to bolt? Actually, it wasn’t so much the fear of the church collapsing because I’d dared enter it, but rather that I was in the second row — holy crap (whoops!), I’ve never sat in anything but the back row like a bad kid! LOL — there was a point to it, and besides, it gave me a chance to admire the stained glass that was illuminated during our sunset services.

Masses of white calla lilies surrounded the altar. Absolutely gorgeous — I love calla lilies. Unfortunately, as my throat closed up almost immediately, the beauty turned into a Benadryl moment. My eyes watered throughout the service — I think others thought I was simply moved. Which I was, but I wanted to move to a drugstore and get some allergy medication but, alas, the exits were as blocked as my windpipe!

At least it wasn’t an allegic reaction to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 😉

I admit I’m not overly knowledgeable in all things spiritual. Read the rest of this entry »