To whom it concerns

April 20th, 2006, 6:21 PM by Goddess

As you know, I’m unearthing little notes I’ve written to myself throughout the years. (See here for an example.)

I came a cross a lot of stuff today that made me cry, some that made me laugh and even more that made me cringe. My favorite, though, was the alphabetical list of reasons I wrote declaring why I hate somene. Heh. It still holds true. 😉

But in any event, I found two Post-It Notes, undated, in the file cabinet I finally decided to throw over the balcony away. What a lucky person this was who never realized any of this. Hope he’s happy in his oblivion. I’ll never know if I was right to keep all of this to myself, but then again, I’m not a girl who gets her hopes up, so let’s write it off as better kept to myself.

In any event, though, I hope I can have these types of feelings again someday:

Is it strange that just an ordinary conversation between us occurs, and when we part — for hours upon hours afterward — suddenly I’m reliving every moment like Diane Lane while she was on the train in “Unfaithful”? During the nights after I run into him, no many hours have passed, I can’t sleep — aside from mentally imprinting every detail he’d seen fit to give me about himself and those that I’d picked up on my own, my mind is filled with a thousand things I didn’t say and don’t know if I ever could.

Damn. Who needed drugs and alcohol when such a high came free?

The other note reads:

I can work myself into such a frothy fit about so many pain-inducing things, but just a random glance or smile from him stops all of that in its tracks. He can ask me how I am, and no matter what had been plaguing me previously, it just melts away. And I can say, in all honesty, that everything really is fine.

Do you ever stop and wonder if anyone ever felt this way toward you? What would you have done? Would you have been like me and laughed and told them to get serious? Would you have just assumed they were joking because things like that just don’t happen to you? Would the intended recipient of this torrent have done exactly that?

Spring cleaning

April 20th, 2006, 8:45 AM by Goddess

Well, from the last eleventy billion posts, we know I’m moving. I just got off the phone with the moving company. (*hyperventilating*) So freaking much to do still, but after a year and a half ago when homelessness (due to no cash inflow) was a probability and not just a possibility, now I’m moving into a Really Nice Place. I knew the day would come; I guess I just didn’t know if I would ever deserve it.

That”s the thing. When you’re on a certain path and even very successful at what you do, and suddenly it’s ripped from you, it’s heartbreaking to go back to eating ramen noodles while your friends are buying homes and getting married and getting great promotions when it feels like the universe stepped its heavy foot on your forehead and kicked you back six turns in the game of Life.

But I’m proof that you just need to wait for your turn and to give it all you’ve got. Any step that’s away from the rut in which you find yourself is progress.

Amalah gave me that step. She gave me that helping hand when I was literally drowning. And now she’s taking that huge, big, wonderful, awe-inspiring and freakin’ scary step into the wild, wonderful world of freelance. Congratulations, Amy! Corporate rah-rah lovefests just won’t be the same without you. 😉 Although, seriously, you have an open invitation to bring the Noahlah by so you can brag about how fabulously you’re doing!

And in another plot twist, could the Tiff and Tom wedding details really, truly be secured?!?! w00t! I have to go find a dress because I, as Tiff accurately noted, have to get my heathen ass to church twice in the same year. 😉 Many, many congratulations are in order here — these two deserve a lifetime-achievement medal for having Everything. That. Could. Go. Wrong. happen and still be sane and willing to try Just. One. More. Idea.

In other great news, Erica and Amy have new jobs. Celebrate good times COME ON! Proud of ya, girls! The interview process and the waiting is hell. Here’s to a successful journey for you both!

So, what’s YOUR life-changing milestone? Because I want to celebrate you for it — too many of us are drowning in the day-to-day details but yet managing to pull off some minor miracle under the radar.

Just goes to show, we shouldn’t be afraid to want things — to dream as far as our minds will take us. Sometimes it feels like we’re swimming against the current just to get through, but other days, the wind will pluck us up and push us to dry land where our only limits are as far as we can run. May our spirits never tire and may our setbacks serve to catapult us twice as far ahead. And may the world turn our future autobiographies into best-sellers!

On iTunes: Anna Nalick, “In the Rough”
