Once you go black …

June 4th, 2006, 6:26 PM by Goddess

… and tan …

(I’m talkin’ about stout, people. Where did you THINK I was going with this?) 😉

Let the summer threesome season begin — Ben & Jerry’s has released a glorious summer flavor hereby known lovingly as Black & Tan. It’s an orgasm without lube (or batteries, depending on your situation).

The kid at Safeway told me that there’s apparently some drama around the name, as B&J had to apologize to the Irish for using it when it refers back to British soldiers. The kid also suggested that the controversial packaging might be a collector’s item, which yeah, right — like I was going to leave a pint of ice cream unopened in MY house!

I think he was overstating the issue a bit, but this was probably the first time I had a checkout clerk not only speak to me, but also speak English, and coherently at that. That’s about as historical as this experience will ever be!