Perhaps the most-complimented license plate around (I think, anyway!), this was mine until yesterday when I registered my car in the District. *sniffle*
It was Pratt who’d given me the idea for this plate, which I got when I started my most recent job — as a tangible reward for surviving the previous phase of my life. I’ve gotten all kinds of smiles and stares with it, all good. In fact, last week, some guy was tailgating me in a strip mall, killing himself to snap a photo of the plate. Which means it might’ve been Flickr’d already, but tough — my plate, my photo!
Tiff left a great comment the other day, how someone at the church where we attended her wedding saw my plate and mused that it just had to be one of her guests. *grin*
Anywho, Samantha (my car) and I have decided to retreat back into anonymity (i.e., no more vanity plates) for sanity’s and perhaps even safety’s sake, but it was fun to shine while it lasted. … 😉