It’s not easy being this cute

July 17th, 2006, 10:05 PM by Goddess


Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn.

Nate was my buddy during Sabre’s moving day yesterday. (Yes, that’s a “Hooters” lanyard on him!) He’s very quiet and calm but supposedly fussy with others. I agreed to entertain him for a few minutes and he really took to me. I always seem to get along best with baby boys — here’s to hoping that when the day comes that I have one (and I stress, ONE), it’s a little lad.

A bunch of colleagues came together to pitch in for the move. It either says something about our workplace or our work ethic in that we knew each other on sight, but I’d never had a conversation with any of them before. To say we bust our butts and burn the midnight oil is an understatement. If we could have Port-a-Potties in our offices, we’d never have to emerge from them!!! In any event, I am impressed by the quality of people I’m surrounded by. I’m also sort of reminded that for as hard as some days get, I really do have a damn good situation in comparison to most others. *bows before the Goddess for that one*

Insofar as the big move, I don’t envy our dear Sabre, but I do wish her lots of love and luck and happiness in her new abode!!!

Dogshit nachos

July 17th, 2006, 9:28 PM by Goddess

Between not having any time to post and having a bizzitch of a time logging into this fucking site, boy am I behind in my bitching. But then again? It’s OK. Really. I always love to deconstruct things so that I can cope and let go of them. But there’s something to be said for denial or outright avoidance. Whee oblivion!

But the title of this entry made me laugh my ass off. Wait, nope, *poke* — still there. Damn it. Oh, and ow.

But enough about me. Let me wish the Carnival of the Recipes a happy centennial! (I hosted No. 98 and No. 72) Trub did a spectacular job rounding up readers to round up their favorite Carnival moments.

My favorite? Dogshit Nachos. Never mind how bloody god-awful it looks, but the name cracks me up every time. Yes, I’m aware I’m still in the second grade! I’ve wanted to serve up a nice shit souffle to some of my least favorite people, but this seems much more doable, given that I really don’t need to clean up after any errant pet droppings to make it possible.

Speaking of pet droppings, Maddie wiped her ass on my voter registration card. Big wet shit streak on it and the surrounding carpet. I’d be angry but honestly, if it’s her way of saying our elected officials can be asswipes, I’d be inclined to agree! 😉