I grouse about having to be all-business-attire, all-the-time (especially when we have those 12-hours-on-our-feet days, which are around the corner again). Yet the people who clean my apartment building are always in skirts and sweaters and otherwise-dressy clothes — by their own choice. Bizarre.
One would think that if they could wear a nice pair of comfy cotton jeans and some non-chafing shoes, they would. Not that I don’t love dressing up, but I prefer to do it for myself and not because someone’s going to be mad at me if I don’t. I think jeans and heels are lovely together and would wear them seven days a week of my own accord. But insisting that one stuff one’s ass into pantyhose and then into a binding suit and then into three-inch heels every day for the rest of her life is downright cruel.
Speaking of, time to go choose an outfit to hate for the next 10 hours. …