Yes, I watch ‘The Hills.’ Shut up

August 2nd, 2006, 10:36 PM by Goddess

Oh, GAWD, Lauren had to choose between a glamorous internship in Paris or summer on the beach with that bum of a boyfriend of hers. She must’ve read “Devil Wears Prada,” as she opted to miss out on Couture Week to shack up with that fuckhead Jason. Perhaps she should have read “One Really Good Way to Ruin Your Life/Career/Future.” Then again, these millionaires can afford a trip abroad whenever they feel like it. The rest of us would appreciate it. Which is why I am thrilled Teen Vogue wised up and gave the Paris internship to Whitney.

I am so disappointed in you, Lauren!!!

102 in the shade

August 2nd, 2006, 6:28 PM by Goddess

Welcome to the dog-breath days of summer. Today’s forecast is to step inside the pizza oven that our city has become, as we’re expecign a high of a balmy 102 degrees. Let’s just not even talk about humidity, either — I’m exhausted just thinking about stepping outside.

This just in:

Subject: Alert DC Government Closing

The District of Columbia Department of Motor Vehicles Southwest Inspection Station, located at 1001 Half Street SW, will continue to observe code red heat advisory service hours, opening at 5:00 a.m. and closing at 1:00 p.m. Thursday, August 3 due to temperatures expected in the 99° to 102° range with forecasted heat indexes between 110 and 115 degrees.

What was that? Did you say I have to wear pantyhose? Hahahaaaaa. Bite me. 🙂

Ode to a stupendous badass

August 2nd, 2006, 8:21 AM by Goddess

In which I’m shoving the whole entry behind the fold. I’ve got processing to do. And it’s catblogging. Carry on.

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