Like sugar tits on a bull

August 11th, 2006, 4:32 PM by Goddess

I have to laugh. I was prattling at length about something work-related and my esteemed colleague looked at me and said, “Wow. You’re really smart!” And was all, “Oh my god, that all just came out of my mouth?”

It’s been a horribly unproductive (counterproductive, even) week, but at least maybe I won’t get fired because at least I understand what’s going on. 😉

I’ve been feeling sort of like, as my grandmother used to say, as useless as tits on a bull. That’s SUGAR tits to you, thankyouverymuch Mr. Gibson!


August 11th, 2006, 1:05 PM by Goddess

I don’t know if this week is cursed, but motherfuck. I’ve been busy. I just haven’t been productive. I mean, I have literally ended each day at the exact point where I started it. I am so glad my team never really asks for a time analysis — as long as nothing’s broken, they know we’re keeping it together. It just astounds me how much WORK it takes to make it look like nothing is going on. Jeez!

*kicks this week*