Sherri asked:
What are/were your relationship dealbreakers?
It’s a case-by-case basis. For some, it’s the fact that they’re still living and breathing.
I mean, I get frustrated because one bolts for the exits at the first sign of turbulence and I get mad at another because I’m trying to hit them on the ass with the door and they’re too dumb to start walking. I want to wallop one with no sense of humor and yet strangle one who can’t take anything seriously.
The obvious dealbreakers, of course, include a wife/live-in/steady. Kids usually put me off, especially those who might live there part- or full-time. There’s a reason for that, and it’s not that I (completely) hate other people’s offspring.
But the not-so-obvious dealbreaker, and one that’s only a recent addition, is a lack of chivalry.