Hold the phone (and hang yourself with the cord)

September 21st, 2006, 11:16 PM by Goddess

Perhaps every woman should come with a manual on “101 Ways to Not Irritate the Everloving Shit Out of Her,” but I would imagine that calling me during the season premiere of “Grey’s Anatomy” would be a freaking given to not DARE do.

To whom it concerns: If you know I’m ignoring you and you want to try to reach me during a time you know I will be available, fer crissakes, can ya at least ring the goddamned phone during a commercial break?

I mean, Meredith lost her panties! I couldn’t catch my breath from laughing. (I feel ya, sister!) Too bad it was Life screwing me that day and not McDreamy. Or any of the hot men on the show. *swoon*

Phoning it in

September 21st, 2006, 8:03 AM by Goddess

No time to blawg today; all-day training, with projects bookending it. Tonight, social time!

Meanwhile, on the subject of trainings, Classic Caterwauling saves my ass with content for today.

Read my June 8, 2004, entry called “Exercise in Futility” below the fold:

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