Constructive self-confrontation

October 14th, 2006, 1:22 AM by Goddess

I was going through some old paperwork, as I had notes on constructive confrontation that I wanted to share with a colleague who has her hands full.

Anyway, I found something I’d written (as I take copious notes) that threw me for a fucking loop. I mean, we all know I am apt to say fairly bizarre shit from time to time, but I don’t capture it for posterity unless it’ll help or amuse me.

I don’t have it handy, as I threw it across the room, but under a section in a workbook under “what I learned today,” I’d written that “I understand how my unwillingness to conform to very specific rules and expectations and the fact that I like to question why things are done the way they are can be very frustrating to my supervisor, and I must change my behavior.”

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